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React Redux Ecommerce - Master MERN Stack Web Development
by Ryan Dhungel- 4.7
43 hours on-demand video
Deployment to Digital Ocean Cloud Deployment to digital ocean cloud This course project is probably the biggest and most exciting project you have build so far. What you are now and what you will become after completing this course is going to be a ground breaking step in your web development career....
Knowledge Management and Big Data in Business
by W.B. Lee , Klaus Tochtermann , Usama Fayyad , Eric Tsui- 0.0
8 Weeks
What is knowledge management? How is knowledge captured, elicited, organized and created in business? What is big data and how can we use data analytics from a laymen perspective? What is Open Linked Data and how can it support machine reasoning? The course is suitable for participants with a background in humanities, management, social science, physical science or engineering....
Knowledge Management and Big Data in Business
by Eric Tsui , W.B. Lee , Klaus Tochtermann , Usama Fayyad- 0.0
8 Weeks
What is knowledge management? How is knowledge captured, elicited, organized and created in business? What is big data and how can we use data analytics from a laymen perspective? What is Open Linked Data and how can it support machine reasoning? The course is suitable for participants with a background in humanities, management, social science, physical science or engineering....
Learn Python In A Day With 6 Projects
by Jack Chan- 4.4
3.5 hours on-demand video
What is Python? Python is a simple, intuitive, yet powerful programming language. It is an high-level programming language invented back in 1991. It is a go-to language for beginners because it is so easy and expressive. However, don't have a misunderstanding that Python is only for beginner. Python is a very powerful programming language and is well supported the community....
The Simplest Photography Course For Beginners
by Robert Boud- 0.0
1 hour on-demand video
Throughout this ten lesson digital photography course we cover: As a result, we've put together a course that is as practical as we can make it where we give you the chance to pause the course or between sessions pick up your camera and practice what we've just explained....
Music Production in Ableton Live 9 - The Beginners Guide!
- 4.5
Ableton Live 9 is a software music sequencer and digital audio workstation for OS X and Windows. Ableton Live is used across professional studios, bedroom studios and also as a performance tool for live performance. What you'll learn in this course will help you understand the basics of music production in Ableton Live 9....
How to Make Big Money Using Wordpress and AdSense - 2020
by Mahdi BRADJI- 3.8
1.5 hours on-demand video
I am Mahdi BRADJI, a digital marketer, online business owner, junior data scientist certified from IBM and a content creator. If you answered YES, then this course is exactly what you need! So no matter what your Level is, This Course is For you. AdSense Arbitrage is the easiest online business, doesn't require a lot of money or energy ....
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The First 4 Steps to Becoming a Successful Artist
by David Frangioni- 5
32 mins on-demand video
BUT, we know you want to make a living doing what you love. FULFILL) is a proven, self-help style entrepreneurial approach to success in your music career and, ultimately, your life, which allows you to learn and grow at your own pace and budget while you FIND, FORGE, and FULFILL your goals....
Google Data Studio Reports - GA, AdWords and Search Console
by Edgars Boitmanis- 4.2
1.5 hours on-demand video
This course will cover how to build an actual report that is used in a digital agency to highlight website's performance data to it's clients. Furthermore, the course will go into depth about what insights you should be looking for in order to uncover the story behind the data and how to present this information to the client....
Behavioral Medicine: A Key to Better Health
by Anne H. Berman , Sakari Suominen- 0.0
4 Weeks
In this updated version of the course, you will also explore innovations in how to deliver the tools of behavioral medicine to patients in primary care and psychiatry, and what kind of content digital tools might need to include. To complete this course, you will need to spend a total of about 30-40 hours....