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24h Pro data science in R
by Francisco Juretig- 3.6
18.5 hours on-demand video
This course explores several modern machine learning and data science techniques in R. We showcase a wide array of statistical and machine learning techniques. All the lectures can be downloaded and come with the corresponding material. The teaching approach is to briefly introduce each technique, and focus on the computational aspect....
Python Ethical Hacking : Build tools for ethical hacking
by Fahad Sarwar- 0.0
10 hours on-demand video
Python is one of the most used programming language in the world and its significance can't be ignored. Python has gained immense popularity recently owing to its performance in various fields like machine learning, data science, data analytics and cyber security. Download and upload files to victim machine Download and upload files to victim machine...
Data Engineering with Python
by Academy of Computing & Artificial Intelligence- 3.5
14 hours on-demand video
At the end of the Course you will understand the basics of Python Programming and the basics of Data Science & Machine learning. The course will have step by step guidance for machine learning & Data Science with Python. Setting up the Environment for Python Machine Learning Deep Learning -Handwritten Digits Recognition [Step by Step] [Complete Project ]...
Advanced Data Science Capstone
by Romeo Kienzler- 4.6
Approx. 9 hours to complete
This project completer has proven a deep understanding on massive parallel data processing, data exploration and visualization, advanced machine learning and deep learning and how to apply his knowledge in a real-world practical use case where he justifies architectural decisions, proves understanding the characteristics of different algorithms, frameworks and technologies and how they impact model performance and scalability....
Tensorflow and Keras For Neural Networks and Deep Learning
by Minerva Singh- 4.4
7.5 hours on-demand video
Master the Most Important Deep Learning Frameworks (Tensorflow & Keras) for Python Data Science It is a full 7-Hour Python Tensorflow & Keras Neural Network & Deep Learning Boot Camp that will help you learn basic machine learning, neural networks and deep learning using two of the most important Deep Learning frameworks- Tensorflow and Keras....
Introduction to Statistics
by Guenther Walther- 4.5
Approx. 15 hours to complete
Stanford's "Introduction to Statistics" teaches you statistical thinking concepts that are essential for learning from data and communicating insights. You will gain the foundational skills that prepare you to pursue more advanced topics in statistical thinking and machine learning. The Chi-Square Test for Homogeneity and Independence Data Snooping and the Multiple Testing Fallacy, Reproducibility and Replicability...
College Level Advanced Linear Algebra! Theory & Programming!
by Ahmed Fathy, MSc- 4.7
35 hours on-demand video
My Name is Ahmed Fathy, currently a machine learning scientist at Affectiva, and a university teacher previously. Those include Machine Learning and Deep Learning, Computer Graphics, Control Systems, Game Development, and even Pure Linear Algebra. Obtain A Very Robust Mathematical Foundation For Machine & Deep Learning, Computer Graphics, And Control Systems....
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The Complete Python 3 Course for Beginners | Learn By Doing
by Chikanma Chika-Onuegbu- 4.4
3.5 hours on-demand video
So no matter what Python specific branch, you are interested in such as Machine Learning, Web and Game Development. You have a course that offers a life changing skills that cannot be unlearn and if you do not like this course. Handle and debug errors Improve your efficiency in code using for and while loops...
Digital Capital Markets
by Ryan Riordan- 0.0
6 Weeks
Learn key concepts for evaluating electronic market quality, how trading algorithms work, and the hype around high-frequency trading and dark markets. In this course, you will learn ways in which technology has changed how financial markets and institutions function. recommend how machine learning and data science can be applied to solving financial trading problems....
Natural Language Processing with Python: 3-in-1
by Packt Publishing- 3.5
4.5 hours on-demand video
Build solutions to get up and speed with new trends in NLP. Pratap Dangeti develops machine learning and deep learning solutions for structured, image, and text data at TCS, in its research and innovation lab in Bangalore. He is also the author of the book Statistics for Machine Learning by Packt....