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Python Basics for Data Science
by Joseph Santarcangelo- 0.0
5 Weeks
Kickstart your learning of Python for data science, as well as programming in general with this introduction to Python course. Start now and take advantage of this platform and learn the basics of programming, machine learning, and data visualization with this introductory course....
The Beginning of AI
by Noah Thies- 4.3
32 mins on-demand video
Understand what is AI and its effects on societyCompare and contrast the different branches of AILearn the Five Categories of Machine learningGet real life examples of AI systems and future systems Once we go over the different AIs then I move it to talking about the five different Machine learning methods we have to do....
Quantum Detectors and Sensors
by Zubin Jacob , Li-Ping Yang , Leif Bauer- 0.0
15 Weeks
This enables a new frontier of perception that promises to impact machine learning, autonomous navigation, surveillance strategies, information processing, and communication systems....
Internet Security: A Hands-on Approach
by Wenliang Du- 0.0
19.5 hours on-demand video
For each attack covered, students not only learn how the attack works in theory, they also learn how to actually conduct the attack, in a contained virtual machine environment....
Advanced Marketing for Advanced Marketers
by Dekker Fraser, MBA & Associates- 4
1.5 hours on-demand video
I'll dispel commonly held myths such as the 4Ps and teach you advanced techniques such as segmentation using machine learning....
AI in Practice: Applying AI
by Bram van Ginneken , Marleen Huysman , Floris Bex , Sennay Ghebreab- 0.0
5 Weeks
This course is not about difficult algorithms and complex programming; it is a course for anyone interested in learning how to integrate AI into their own organization. For instance, how ING uses reinforcement learning for personalized dialog management with its customers or how Radboud UMC uses diagnostic image analysis to discover early stages of infectious diseases....
Deep Learning with Tensorflow
by Saeed Aghabozorgi , Romeo Kienzler , Samaya Madhavan- 0.0
5 Weeks
Learn how to apply Deep Learning with TensorFlow to this type of data to solve real-world problems. It was created by Google and tailored for Machine Learning. This concept is then explored in the Deep Learning world....
Data Wrangling with Python 3.x
by Packt Publishing- 3.2
3.5 hours on-demand video
Jamshaid Sohail is a Data Scientist who is highly passionate about Data Science, Machine learning, Deep Learning, big data, and other related fields. He spends his free time learning more about the field and learning to use its emerging tools and technologies....
Remote Sensing Image Acquisition, Analysis and Applications
by John Richards- 4.5
Approx. 23 hours to complete
Module 2 Lecture 1: Fundamentals of image analysis and machine learning Module 2 Lecture 14: Deep learning and the convolutional neural network, part 1 Module 2 Lecture 15: Deep learning and the convolutional neural network, part 2 Module 2 Lecture 16: Deep learning and the convolutional neural network, part 3...
Comprehensive Alexa Skill Development course (2018 Updated)
- 3.9
9.5 hours on-demand video
Learning by example - I believe in learning by example, so we will be learning and exercising features of Alexa through developing skills. Learn how to setup your local environment and AWS CLI, so that you can automate the process of uploading Alexa Skills from your local machine...