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PMI-ACP Certification Exam Practice Questions 2020
by Edu tech- 0.0
600+ Exam Practice Questions With Detail Explanation And Reference Links Edutech is offering 600+ UNIQUE practice questions for PMI-ACP Certification Exam. CONFORM WITH EXAM BLUEPRINT: Using our PMI-ACP Practitioner exam can help you gain experience with the test question format and understand how the questions in the real PMI-ACP Certification exam are structured....
Sales Cloud Consultant Certification: Rapid Exam Prep
by Bobby Buntin- 4.5
2.5 hours on-demand video
This course will help you to pass the Sales Cloud Consultant Salesforce Certification exam. Salesforce Administrator Certification - Required to get the certification and to understand this course Some experience configuring Sales Cloud functionality and familiarity with features Course Format: This course is organized to match the Salesforce-published exam study guide. Marketing and Leads...
American Education Reform: History, Policy, Practice
by Dr. John L. Puckett , Dr. Michael Charles Johanek- 4.8
Approx. 15 hours to complete
1) Course Introduction 1: The Great Depression and a New Deal for America's Youth 3: Social Reconstruction and the Schools 4: Antecedents to America's Community Schools: Social Centers and Community Centers 2: The Cold War, McCarthyism, and the Public Schools 5: Education and the Civil Rights Movement: From Plessy to Brown...
Customer Service Expert
by The Art Of Service- 4.3
1 hour on-demand video
An expert level course about further understanding Customer Service in terms of leadership roles and team work. The Customer Certification Pathway has three main parts: The Customer Service Foundation Program, Customer Service Intermediate Program, and the Customer Service Expert Program. Each course provides preparation for the exams and successful candidates receive a certificate....
Clinical Hypnotherapy Master Certification Course, Part 3
by Joseph Drumheller- 4.9
2 hours on-demand video
The material in this course will provide insights into theory, practical applications, and session-related nuances that will help you maximize your effectiveness as a leader in meditative healing. This course builds on the techniques and fundamentals learned in my previous courses, The Best Clinical Hypnotherapy Certification Courses, Parts 1 and 2....
PCEP Python certification practice test
by Rameel Ahmed- 0.0
PCEP – Certified Entry-Level Python Programmer certification shows that the individual is familiar with universal computer programming concepts like data types, containers, functions, conditions, loops, as well as Python programming language syntax, semantics, and the runtime environment. Get enrolled into this practice test and start your preparation now to get the certification of the most popular programming language....
New Technologies for Business Leaders
by Mark Mueller-Eberstein, Dipl. Kfm.- 4.4
Approx. 19 hours to complete
This introductory course is developed for high level business people (and those on their way) who want a broad understanding of new Information Technologies and understand their potential for business functions (e. Hype and adoption - Part I Hype and adoption - Part II Embrace the present and build the future Blockchain and black markets...
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CompTIA Linux+ (LX0-103 and LX0-104) (Part 1 of 2)
by Stone River eLearning- 4.3
17.5 hours on-demand video
CompTIA Linux+ (LX0-103 and LX0-104) (Part 1 of 2) The CompTIA Linux+ 2009 course covers the basic administration, security, networking, performance and maintenance tasks required to efficiently and smoothly run a Linux environment. The course contents are based on the recommended curriculum by CompTIA for the CompTIA Linux+ certification exams....
Statistical Thinking for Industrial Problem Solving, presented by JMP
by Mia Stephens , Ledi Trutna- 4.8
Approx. 44 hours to complete
Statistical Thinking for Industrial Problem Solving is an applied statistics course for scientists and engineers offered by JMP, a division of SAS. By completing this course, students will understand the importance of statistical thinking, and will be able to use data and basic statistical methods to solve many real-world problems. Demo: Creating Bar Charts and Mosaic Plots...
Scrum Master Role & Scrum Master Certification
by ICAN Consultancy- 0.0
1 hour on-demand video
This course will provide you with a certification but also help you to pass the certification tests of other organisations and become a certified scrum master. This course will not only help you to pass certification tests but also teach you how to become a Scrum Master and the skills you need as a Scrum Master....