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Digital Capital Markets
by Ryan Riordan- 0.0
6 Weeks
Where personal relationships used to determine success and failure, the ability to process and act on massive amounts of data is taking over. Financial market operators have morphed into pure technology firms and data providers. recommend how machine learning and data science can be applied to solving financial trading problems....
The Dynamic Earth: A Course for Educators
by Edmond Mathez, Ph.D. , Ro Kinzler, Ph.D.- 4.7
Approx. 8 hours to complete
Informed by the recently released Next Generation Science Standards, this course examines geological time scales, radiometric dating, and how scientists “read the rocks. Teaching with the Next Generation Science Standards: Part 1 Teaching with the Next Generation Science Standards: Part 2 Part Two: Data Collection...
Data Analysis & Statistics: practical course for beginners
by Jacek Kułak- 4
7.5 hours on-demand video
Learn how to uncover the power of data analysis and statistics in this complete and easy to follow step-by-step course Provides you the complete package to be comfortable using statistics and analyzing data You don’t have to become data science guru or master of data mining overnight, but you should know how to analyze and use data in practice....
Learn SQL and MySQL in 3 Hours
by Umang Shah- 4.5
2 hours on-demand video
Very useful for Data Analysis. Are you a University Student Working Towards a Computer Science or Information Technology Degree ? You can use SQL to Analyze tons and tons of data within milliseconds and use the results of analysis to make better fact and data based decision thereby increasing the chances of arriving at a correct decision....
Information Systems Auditing, Controls and Assurance
by Garvin Percy DIAS- 4.7
Approx. 9 hours to complete
With the latest IS technologies emerging, such as Big Data, FinTech, Virtual Banks, there are more concerns from the public on how organizations maintain systems’ integrity, such as data privacy, information security, the compliance to the government regulations....
Microsoft Azure Machine Learning
by Microsoft- 4.8
Approx. 11 hours to complete
Data science and software engineering experience is not required; however, some general programming knowledge or experience would be beneficial. Exercise Part 3: Explore Data Exercise Part 3: Explore Data Exercise Part 3: Explore Data...
Scripting with Python
by Gwen Britton , Curtis George- 0.0
16 Weeks
This makes Python a good skill to have for any job that requires automation to replace data in a file, rename multiple file names, update Excel spreadsheets or mine data from web pages. This is the first course in the introductory, undergraduate-level offering that makes up the larger Business Analytics Foundations and Data Management with Python and SQL MicroBachelors programs....
Complete Google Earth Engine for Remote Sensing & GIS
by Minerva Singh- 4.6
5 hours on-demand video
Harness the Power of Google Earth Engine for GIS Spatial Data Analysis & Remote Sensing MY COURSE IS A HANDS ON TRAINING WITH REAL REMOTE SENSING AND GIS DATA ANALYSIS WITH GOOGLE EARTH ENGINE- A planetary-scale platform for Earth science data & analysis; powered by Google's cloud infrastructure....
Future of Artificial Intelligence
by Edutainer India- 3.4
7.5 hours on-demand video
the next section covers the relevance of AI with other technologies like Data Science, Machine Learning, Internet of Things, Virtual Reality, etc. The third section covers the AI Project Cycle - Problem Scoping, Data Acquisition, Data Exploration, Modelling & Evaluation....
Data Manipulation in Python: A Pandas Crash Course
by Samuel Hinton- 4.6
9 hours on-demand video
Learn how to use Python and Pandas for data analysis and data manipulation. Transform, clean and merge data with Python. This is exactly why Pandas is the most popular Python library in data science and why data scientists at Google, Facebook, JP Morgan, and nearly every other major company that analyzes data use Pandas....