Search result for Visual studio c# training Online Courses & Certifications
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VB.NET with VS 2017 and Windows Forms
by A O- 4.3
13 hours on-demand video
With Early OOP, Connections to C# and the . This course uses the latest preview version of Visual Studio 2017 NET Framework source code, you will also see C# in operation, and therefore the code will be complex. I also show you how to use a variety of features in Visual Studio 2017...
Automate application with Specflow and Selenium C#
by Karthik KK- 3.9
6.5 hours on-demand video
We will also see the power of Visual studio IDE intelli-sense working seamlessly with Specflow while writing feature files and mapping step definitions with various different classes (which is highly nagging while working with cucumber in ruby language)...
C++: Application Development with C++: 2-in-1
by Packt Publishing- 3.8
5.5 hours on-demand video
By the end of this training program you’ll get hands-on with advanced concepts in C++ to develop powerful, large-scale applications with C++ and take your application development skills to the next level! He is also familiar with various popular languages such as C, C#, Visual Basic, VBA, Pascal, Python, and R....
Umbraco Beginner: Learn the Umbraco Basics
by Dimitar Dyankov- 3.5
3 hours on-demand video
As part of this course you will see how to utilise Visual Studio to set up your very first Umbraco Sample Website. You had Visual Studio installed Basic understanding of C#...
C++ Unit Testing: Google Test and Google Mock
by Serban Stoenescu- 4.2
3 hours on-demand video
Beginning Test Driven Development (TDD) in C++ with Googletest and Googlemock This course is for software developers and students who want to be better programmers by writing more solid, bug-free code using the Google Test framework. How many times did this happen to you? And you had to waste more hours finding and fixing the bugs....
UDP Socket Programming For Distributed Computing in C#.Net
by Naeem Akram- 4.4
3 hours on-demand video
Socket programming, make chat application in C# . You will also learn about callbacks methods and how you can implement callbacks in C# . In next section we're going to implement a publisher/subscriber model in C# . You'll also learn how to debug network applications in Visual Studio and how to write code faster....
C# & Unity By Example : 20+ Mini Game Development Projects
by Raja Biswas- 4.8
13 hours on-demand video
Learn C# scripting by Building Games with Unity . Build 20+ Mini Projects with C# Scripting for Unity Game Development Build a strong foundation in C# Scripting and Unity Game Development with this course. Starting with the installation of the Unity , Visual Studio , this course will take you through various C# language features and how to use them....
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by 吴 宁- 0.0
Approx. 17 hours to complete
关于《系统平台与C#程序基础》课程: 作为“. Net平台下软件开发技术”专项课程的第一门课程,本课程将从计算机的入门知识讲起,首先向你介绍计算机的基础知识和基本原理,包括信息表示与编码、软硬件系统组成及工作原理等,并通过由基本逻辑门到运算器的构造过程讲述,帮助你初步建立自底向上的系统构造思维能力。如果你未来从事系统设计,这将是非常重要的一项素质。 在基础奠定之后,本课程将用两周的时间,带你快步走进C#,为你介绍如何设计基本的C#控制台程序。包括C#程序语言基础、控制台的输入输出、基本程序控制结构等。更主要的,本课程将通过实际案例,为你介绍如何利用Visual Studio集成开发环境编辑和调试C#程序,为后续课程学习奠定基础。掌握良好的程序调试技巧,是你未来从事软件项目设计必备的技能。 如果你目前对计算机的一些基本应用操作还不是很熟悉,请不用担心,本课程附加了有关OFFICE应用的详细操作指导视频,你可以自行观看。 课程共含4周,每周都设有单元测验和作业,可以帮助你了解自己的学习状态。 基础知识 专项课程介绍 第1讲 第一门课程介绍 第2讲 计算机系统_1 计算机系统_2 计算机系统_3 第3讲计算机与二进制 第4讲 字符表示与编码 第5讲计算机中的数制 第6讲 二进制的表示与运算_1 二进制数的表示与运算_2 二进制数的表示与运算_3 本周课程小结 OFFICE基本课程指导_1 OFFICE基本操作指导_2 OFFICE基本操作指导_3 微型计算机系统 第1周单元测验 软硬件系统构造 第7讲基本逻辑运算和逻辑门 第8讲其它逻辑运算及其门电路 第9讲 触发器与加法器_1 触发器与加法器_2 第10讲 由逻辑门到运算器__系统构造过程 第11讲指令和程序 第12讲 冯. 诺依曼结构_1 冯. 诺依曼结构_2 第13讲 什么是操作系统 第14讲 处理器管理 第15讲 存储器管理 第16讲 微型机中的存储器系统...
C# Basics for Beginners : C# Programming & .NET for Projects
by Suresh Kumar Srivastava- 4.2
3.5 hours on-demand video
C# Basics for Beginners for C# Projects / C# Coding Interview Questions. C# . C# Programming : Object Oriented Programming in C# . Advanced C# : Empower Yourself with Advanced C# Skills Design Patterns In C# Made Simple In this C# basics programming course, I have used Visual Studio Professional, you can use Free Community edition....
C# 8.0 - OOP - Ultimate Guide - Beginner to Advanced
by Harsha Vardhan- 4.5
31.5 hours on-demand video
Learn C# by doing, with real world projects. ***** THE BEST SELLING C# COURSE ON UDEMY ***** Net Core, Introduction to Visual Studio, Basics of C# I explain every line of C# code that we create. All C# programs are demonstrated using 'Console Applications' and 'Class Library' projects in Visual Studio 2019. We use C# 8, Visual Studio 2019....