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More on Change and Sustainability
by John Byrd , Kenneth Bettenhausen- 4.8
Approx. 13 hours to complete
This is Class 2 of the MOOC Specialization, Become a Sustainable Business Change Agent. In this class you will learn more change agent skills and hear from people who have made changes in their organizations. You will also learn more about green design and sustainability reporting. Implementing Change: The basics Leading and Managing- Two Roles a Change Agent Fills...
Competitive Strategy
by Tobias Kretschmer- 4.8
Approx. 19 hours to complete
In this six-module course, you will learn how businesses and organizations behave in situations in which strategic decisions are interdependent, i. e. where my actions affect my competitors' profits and vice versa. Using the basic tools of game theory, we will analyse how businesses choose strategies to attain competitive advantage. This course is also available in Chinese....
CertNexus Certified Artificial Intelligence Practitioner Professional Certificate
- 0.0
Be an Artificial Intelligence Practitioner. . Master strategies to implement Artificial Intelligence techniques in order to solve business problems. The Certified Artificial Intelligence Practitioner™ (CAIP) industry validated certification helps professionals draw higher salaries (25% on average) and differentiate themselves from other job candidates. Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) have become an essential part of the toolset for...
Extinctions: Past, Present, & Future
by Anthony J. Martin- 4.9
Approx. 17 hours to complete
This course introduces you to the five mass extinctions of the pre-human past, their causes and significance to the history of life on earth, and the current mass extinction happening during our time. We’ll also explore the history of paleontology and geological study and review the key players that influenced the science today....
Pensamiento científico
by Carlos GershensonTop Instructor- 4.8
Approx. 8 hours to complete
¿El pensamiento científico es sólo para científicos? Su utilidad va mucho más allá, ayudando a las personas a tomar mejores decisiones todos los días. El objetivo de este curso es fomentar en pensamiento científico en los alumnos para ayudarles a tomar mejores decisiones profesionales, personales y sociales. En busca de la verdad: una breve historia de la ciencia....
Orden y manejo del tiempo
by Patricia Benítez Corona , Miguel Angel Ruíz- 4.8
Approx. 9 hours to complete
En este curso realizarás varios ejercicios para diagnosticar y desarrollar destrezas para el manejo efectivo de tu tiempo al clasificar prioridades y necesidades de la empresa. Importancia del orden en el área de trabajo Bienvenida Importancia del orden en el área de trabajo Introducción Importancia del orden en el área de trabajo...
Основы разработки на C++: белый пояс
- 4.9
Approx. 126 hours to complete
Этот курс посвящён знакомству с языком программирования С++. Вы научитесь использовать его основные конструкции, создавать свои типы данных, разбивать программу на классы и функции. В конце курса вас ждёт финальный проект: вы сможете самостоятельно реализовать простое хранилище данных с возможностью добавления, удаления и поиска. Курс разработан ведущими специалистами Яндекса и преподавателями Школы анализа данных....
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An Introduction to Practical Deep Learning
by Andres Rodriguez , Nikhil Murthy , Hanlin Tang- 4.3
Approx. 17 hours to complete
This course provides an introduction to Deep Learning, a field that aims to harness the enormous amounts of data that we are surrounded by with artificial neural networks, allowing for the development of self-driving cars, speech interfaces, genomic sequence analysis and algorithmic trading. Introduction to Deep Learning and Deep Learning Basics...
Desarrollo de aplicaciones avanzadas con Android
by Anahi Salgado- 4.6
Approx. 23 hours to complete
En este curso se retoman los temas vistos en cursos anteriores. Se complementan con aspectos prácticos como la forma de implementar mapas en tus proyectos con el API de Google Maps. También, muestra cómo aprovechar el multitask de Android y hacer animaciones en 2D para llevar tus aplicaciones a más dispositivos como weareables, televisiones y autos....
Архитектура Android-приложений
by Тайчинов Марат , Магометов Азрет- 4.4
Approx. 19 hours to complete
В этом блоке мы и займемся изучением распространенных архитектурных подходов. Мы изучим MVP и MVVM, сначала свои реализации, а потом с помощью специальных библиотек , Moxy и архитектурных компонентов. Изучим внедрение зависимостей, что это такое и зачем оно нужно. Разберем библиотеки, помогающие с DI , это Dagger2 и Toothpick. MVP Знакомство с курсом...