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The Art of Structural Engineering: Bridges
by Maria Garlock- 0.0
8 Weeks
Learn about bridge design and discover how structural engineering is a creative discipline and art form. In this engineering course you will learn how to analyze bridges from three perspectives: Elegance = form/appearance based on engineering principles, not decoration We also show the influence of the economic and social context in bridge design and the interplay between forces and form....
Learn React In a Better Way
by Nathan Krasney- 4.5
4.5 hours on-demand video
c in mechanical engineering . I had learned many many technologies in the past (check my LinkedIn profile) and i know exactly what is needed to learn and how. 5 hours course i teach React in a better way then other courses : - Overall you will SAVE TIME in this course compare to other courses...
Nanotechnology and Nanosensors, Part1
by Prof. Hossam Haick- 4.6
Approx. 12 hours to complete
Sc (Cum Laude) in Materials Engineering from the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology (both in 2010). in Transportation and Highways Engineering from the Technion. Sc in Biochemical Engineering from the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology (2015). (special track) in the Department of Chemical Engineering of the Technion under the supervision of Prof....
Using Databases with Python
by Charles Russell Severance- 4.8
Approx. 15 hours to complete
To succeed in this course, you should be familiar with the material covered in Chapters 1-13 of the textbook and the first three courses in this specialization. Bonus: Interview - Software Engineering - Bertrand Meyer Coming from Python 2 - Encoding Data in Python 3 Using Encoded Data in Python 3...
Scienza delle costruzioni
by Luciano Rosati- 0.0
5 Weeks
Construction Science is the subject that formulates theoretical models and interprets the results of experiments to describe the static and dynamic behaviour of resistant elements and materials in structures exposed to steady or variable mechanical stress or heat. • calcolo di strutture monodimensionali in campo elastico lineare isotropo; • calculation of isotropic, linear elastic behaviour in monodimensional structures;...
Unconventional Reservoir Geomechanics
by Mark D. Zoback , Arjun H. Kohli- 0.0
10 Weeks
This course covers the geophysical and engineering concepts needed to understand the recovery of hydrocarbons from extremely low permeability unconventional oil and gas reservoirs. Important engineering concepts will be reviewed, including microseismic monitoring, production and depletion, well-to-well interactions, and hydraulic fracture propagation. Each unit will be comprised of 3-5 video modules 10-20 minutes in length....
Introduction to Mechanical Engineering Design and Manufacturing with Fusion 360
by Autodesk- 4.8
Approx. 17 hours to complete
We learn the basics in each of these areas which are to be fully developed in later courses that apply these principles and Fusion 360 skills. Mechanical engineering career skills Summarize the toolset available in Fusion 360. Demonstrate knowledge and skills in Fusion 360 applying design and manufacturing workflows to take digital parts to physical prototypes....
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Autonomous Navigation for Flying Robots
by Jürgen Sturm , Daniel Cremers , Christian Kerl- 0.0
4 Weeks
In recent years, flying robots such as miniature helicopters or quadrotors have received a large gain in popularity. In particular, you will learn how to infer the position of the quadrotor from its sensor readings and how to navigate it along a trajectory. This course is intended for undergraduate and graduate students in computer science, electrical engineering or mechanical engineering....
Nanotechnology and Nanosensors, Part 2
by Prof. Hossam Haick- 4.8
Approx. 17 hours to complete
Sc (Cum Laude) in Materials Engineering from the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology (both in 2010). in Transportation and Highways Engineering from the Technion. Sc in Biochemical Engineering from the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology (2015). (special track) in the Department of Chemical Engineering of the Technion under the supervision of Prof....
Wind Energy
by Merete Badger , Lars Pilgaard Mikkelsen , Ameya Sathe , Vladimir Fedorov , Tom Cronin , Torben Krogh Mikkelsen , Morten Hartvig Hansen , Niels-Erik Clausen , Bonnie Ram , Sven-Erik Gryning , Kim Branner , Poul Ejnar Sørensen , Hilmar Kjartansson Danielsen , Henrik Bredmose- 4.7
Approx. 36 hours to complete
This course gives an overview of key aspects in wind energy engineering. This allows you to identify the most interesting or relevant aspects of wind energy engineering to be pursued in your future studies or in your professional career. For other professional courses in wind energy engineering, visit our website at www....