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CompTIA A+220-1001 & 220-1002 Practice Questions.
by Sanjeev Ranadey- 0.0
Hardware Hardware & Network troubleshooting Virtualization and Cloud Computing Software Troubleshooting...
Introduction to Human-Robot Interaction
by Christoph Bartneck- 0.0
7 Weeks
Discover the basic concepts of human-robot interaction and how robots work. Learn how to design a human-robot interaction and different ways in which users can interact with robots. • The basic concepts, principles and ideas of human-robot interaction. • How robots work from the perspective of software and hardware. • Different types of sensors and actuators a robot could use....
Foundations of Computer Science
by Aspen Olmsted- 4.8
Approx. 16 hours to complete
In the course sequence you will learn to write programs that utilize both procedural and object oriented techniques to solve business problems. In courses two through four, we will role up our sleeves and start coding in Visual Basic. Algorithms, History of Computing and Algorithm Efficiency Computer Hardware and Organization Computer Networks, Cloud Computing and Information Security...
The Development of Mobile Health Monitoring Systems
by Evgenii Pustozerov , Yuliya Zhivolupova , Aleksei Anisimov- 0.0
Approx. 21 hours to complete
This join course created by SPSU and ETU includes 5 modules dedicated to different stages of the system development. Pieces of hardware and software, as well as the data sets that we utilize in this course are the same components that we use in our work developing prototypes of devices and algorithms for our tasks in science and engineering....
CompTIA A+ Certification Preparation: Learn the Basics of IT
by CyberTraining 365- 3.6
11 hours on-demand video
Prepare and pass the CompTIA A+ certification with Cyber Training 365, leader in CompTIA preparation courses. CompTIA’s A+ certification training will validate an understanding of the most common hardware and software technologies in business as well as the skills necessary to support complex IT infrastructures. These courses prepare the student for the CompTIA A+ Certification Exams 220-802 and 220-801....
Fundamentals of TinyML
by Vijay Janapa Reddi , Laurence Moroney- 0.0
5 Weeks
Focusing on the basics of machine learning and embedded systems, such as smartphones, this course will introduce you to the “language” of TinyML. , server and cloud) in that it requires not only software expertise, but also embedded-hardware expertise. How to train and deploy ML models...
Ruby on Rails: An Introduction
by Kalman Hazins- 4.5
Approx. 15 hours to complete
Take this course and you will be pleasantly surprised at just how easy it is! Welcome and Setting Up the Development Environment Software Installation For Linux Users Software Installation for Mac Users Software Installation for Windows Users Remote Repos and Github Controller and View Rails & HTTParty Integration...
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Cumulus Linux Fundamentals, plus Ansible automation
by David Bombal- 4.5
6 hours on-demand video
Learn Cumulus Linux, Ansible and More! Lean about SDN, white box switching, Ansible, network disaggregation and Linux! The course includes hands on demonstrations using both Cumulus VX and physical switches. hardware from vendors such as Dell, HP, Quanta and others. makes the first Linux operating system for networking hardware and fills...
Cognex In-Sight Machine Vision Industrial Development SCADA
by Vladimir Romanov- 0.0
3.5 hours on-demand video
As we progress through the next sections, we will revisit some of our initial hardware considerations and explore them further. You don't need any hardware or software to follow the lectures, however, Cognex provides a free software package as well as an emulator which you may use to practice....
Laboratorio di Programmazione
by Marco Lapegna- 0.0
7 Weeks
You will learn how to select the best methodology for your project, how to develop and analyze basic algorithms for scientific calculation, and how to use the main calculation tools (hardware e software). Data structures and control structures Main methodologies to define and develop a project How to translate algorithms into programmes (Linux, C and Foltran)...