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Inclusive Growth
by Dmitriy Rozhkov , Valerie Cerra- 0.0
6 Weeks
How can countries foster strong economic growth while also sharing its benefits equitably across all segments of society and maintaining economic and environmental sustainability? You will explore how many critical issues of our day—including rising inequality and poverty, gender disparities, job-displacing technological change and globalization, corruption, and climate change—are interlinked and how to design policies to tackle them....
First Steps in Making the Business Case for Sustainability
by John Byrd- 4.7
Approx. 15 hours to complete
The Business School at the University of Colorado Denver wants to help you become a change agent for sustainable business. * Discuss the threats and opportunities that major global trends such as climate change present to businesses; * Identify key criteria of green businesses and product design; Lesson 2 - Stories of Change...
Leadership and Emotional Intelligence
by Ramnarayan Subramaniam- 4.8
Approx. 13 hours to complete
We’ll analyze the case illustration using the ideas from emotional intelligence theory, and highlight the key lessons that you should take away in terms of mindsets and skills that you should master to distinguish yourself as a leader. Avoiding the Trap of Leader Derailment Foundational Change Model of Kurt Lewin Creating a Climate for Change...
Modern Monetary Theory: Economics for the 21st Century
by Bill Mitchell- 0.0
4 Weeks
Demistify macroeconomic principles and terminology and discover how Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) provides explanations for some of the world's most troubling financial concerns. Policy setting in crises: the challenges of climate change and the pandemic. An entry level understanding of the way modern monetary systems operate. An enhanced understanding of the fiscal and monetary policy options available to governments....
Modern Monetary Theory: Economics for the 21st Century
by Bill Mitchell- 0.0
4 Weeks
Demystify macroeconomic principles and terminology and discover how Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) provides explanations for some of the world's most troubling financial concerns. Policy setting in crises: the challenges of climate change and the pandemic. An entry level understanding of the way modern monetary systems operate. An enhanced understanding of the fiscal and monetary policy options available to governments....
Sensing Planet Earth – Water and Ice
by Thomas Hobiger , Anders Berg , Gisela Carvajal , Leif Eriksson- 0.0
5 Weeks
Can we predict climate change? The melting of the polar ice caps. Together with your fellow learners you will assess and evaluate statements made in relation to climate change. How to judge the quality and reliability of earth observations How to assess the impact of global change on our environment...
From Waste to Value: How to Tackle Food Waste
by Simona Grasso , Eva Schlösser , Natalia Mansilla- 0.0
Discover the causes and impact of food waste, and learn how you can tackle it on a personal, community, and national level....
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Improving Food Production with Agricultural Technology and Plant Biotechnology
by Cristobal Uauy , Thomas Engel , Luis Vázquez- 0.0
Build your knowledge of food production challenges and technology with this online course for 16-19 year olds studying biology. cutting-edge precision agricultureWeek Three: Food scienceoSolutions for altering plant-based foods to create supermarket food productsoExamples of post-harvest food processing, e. creating pectins and sweeteners out of fruit by-products...
Agriculture, Economics and Nature
by Professor David Pannell, BSc(Agric), BEc, PhD- 4.7
Approx. 17 hours to complete
Governments depend on economic information to make good policy decisions on behalf of the community. Video - History of agricultural production and prices Video - Climate change Optional Reading - Pannell Discussions 230: Future climate change and wheat yields in Western Australia Recommended Reading - Pannell Discussions 168: Telling farmers how to adapt to climate change...
Hands-on training on Solar Study Lamp Assembly
by Chetan Singh Solanki- 0.0
4 Weeks
This course has been designed to make you understand climate change, energy sustainability and you will also learn to assemble a solar study lamp. The lamp is designed to provide 5-6 hours of study light every day throughout the year. Till date, 101 countries have registered to be a part of this mega-global event....