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UX Design Fundamentals
by Michael Worthington- 4.8
Approx. 13 hours to complete
This hands-on course examines how content is organized and structured to create an experience for a user, and what role the designer plays in creating and shaping user experience. Course Overview Course Introduction About this course Research and Development Look and Feel/Visual Research...
SPSS Masterclass: Learn SPSS From Scratch to Advanced
by Scholarsight Learning- 4.4
32 hours on-demand video
On completion of this course you will develop an ability to independently analyze and treat data, plan and carry out new research work based on your research interest. The course encompasses most of the major type of research techniques employed in academic and professional research in most comprehensive, in-depth and stepwise manner....
Introduction to Research Ethics: Working with People
by Natasha McKeever- 0.0
Find out how to conduct ethical research when working with people by studying this online course for university students. Research ethics: why it matters Could your research cause harm?...
Complete SEO Training 2021 | Rank #1 in Google with SEO 2021
by Abdul Wali- 4.4
9.5 hours on-demand video
Rank #1 on Google with Technical SEO, Pagespeed SEO, Backlinks SEO, Keyword Research SEO & WordPress SEO Course 2021 From keyword research to link building and from technical SEO to website speed optimization, this course covers all aspects of SEO 2021 and beyond. This entire SEO 2021 course is based on a practical result-oriented approach....
Career Options: Exploring a New Career
by Ana T. Baida, Ed.D. , Wes Rhea, J.D. , Dan Stotz- 0.0
Approx. 25 hours to complete
This course is for you if you are interested in researching a new career and acquiring the skills necessary to succeed in it. Course Introduction Video Research the Best Jobs - U. My Skills My Future - Career Research Research and Values: Identifying Your Best Options Research Is Key! What Research Should I Do?...
Power and Sample Size for Multilevel and Longitudinal Study Designs
by Albert Ritzhaupt- 4.4
Approx. 24 hours to complete
The goal of the course is to teach and disseminate methods for accurate sample size choice, and ultimately, the creation of a power/sample size analysis for a relevant research study in your professional context. The final course project is a peer-reviewed research study you design for future power or sample size analysis....
International Leadership and Organizational Behavior
by Franz Wohlgezogen- 4.8
Approx. 17 hours to complete
If you really want to learn how organizations behave and take decisions and at the same time develop leadership skills, then this is the course for you. COURSE SYLLABUS Introduction to the Course FOCUS ON RESEARCH - Leadership from an International OB Perspective FOCUS ON RESEARCH - How Networks Evolve FOCUS ON RESEARCH - Responsible Leadership Outro to the Course...
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Data Management and Visualization
by Lisa Dierker- 4.4
Approx. 12 hours to complete
Based on existing data, you will learn to develop a research question, describe the variables and their relationships, calculate basic statistics, and present your results clearly. Video Lesson - Developing a research question Course codebooks Course Data Sets SAS Lesson 4 - Refining your research question by selecting rows Python Lesson 4 - Refining your research question by selecting rows...
Try RRI! A guide for Responsible Research and Innovation
by Margit Hofer , Ilse Marschalek- 0.0
Approx. 7 hours to complete
In this online course you will learn how to apply Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) in your own work. First by understanding why it is important to act responsibly in your research and innovation processes at all. RRI - Responsible Research and Innovation, what is it?...
Autophagy: Research Behind the 2016 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine
by Yoshinori Ohsumi , Hitoshi Nakatogawa , Alexander May , Noboru Mizushima- 0.0
3 Weeks
The exciting story of 2016 Nobel Prize winner Yoshinori Ohsumi’s research career, during which he discovered autophagy and uncovered its mechanism in yeast, will also be described. draw upon the inspiring story of Yoshinori Ohsumi and learn the importance of basic research driven by pure curiositythat leads tobreakthroughs in science...