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Qualitative Data Collection Methods
by Karen Andes, PhD- 0.0
Approx. 14 hours to complete
This course presents a detailed overview of qualitative methods of data collection, including observation, interviews, and focus group discussions. We will start with an in-depth overview of each method, explore how to plan for data collection, including developing data collection guides, and discuss techniques for managing data collection. Course Outline and Grading Information...
Engineering Practices for Building Quality Software
by Kevin Wendt- 4.5
Approx. 18 hours to complete
Agile embraces change which means that team should be able to effectively make changes to the system as team learns about users and market. To be good at effectively making changes to the system, teams need to have engineering rigor and excellence else embracing change becomes very painful and expensive. Quality in Design...
Data Management for Clinical Research
by Stephany Duda, PhD , Paul Harris, PhD- 4.7
Approx. 17 hours to complete
This course presents critical concepts and practical methods to support planning, collection, storage, and dissemination of data in clinical research. Understanding and implementing solid data management principles is critical for any scientific domain. Research Data Planning 1 Research Data Planning 2 Data Standards: Basic Concepts and Overview IRB, HIPAA, and FISMA...
Robotics: Dynamics and Control
by Vijay Kumar , Ani Hsieh- 0.0
12 Weeks
Learn how to design and engineer complex, dynamic robotic systems. Learn how to formulate dynamics problems and design appropriate control laws. We will cover robot dynamics, trajectory generation, motion planning, and nonlinear control, and develop real-time planning and control software modules for robotic systems. This course will give you the basic theoretical tools and enable you to design control algorithms....
Lesson Planning with the ELL in Mind
by Ellen Manos , Claire McLaughlin- 4.7
Approx. 17 hours to complete
In this course you will learn how to design lesson plans around the needs of your ELL students and their language level through the analysis of content language and cognitive demands. You will learn how to align language objectives to the adopted standards of your school and content area. * Incorporate community and culture into lesson planning...
Recruiting, Hiring, and Onboarding Employees
by Amy Simon , Stacy Doepner-Hove- 4.7
Approx. 20 hours to complete
Finding and hiring the right people is often cited as the number one concern of businesses today. It seems we are all competing for the best and brightest workers. 2 Creating and Presenting the Offer Package 4 Recruitment and Selection Summary Selection Methods and Tests 1 About Stacy Doepner-Hove and Definition of Onboarding...
SAP BPC Embedded Fundamentals for Planning Applications
by Marc Schindler- 4.3
3.5 hours on-demand video
Learn how to use SAP BI-IP and BPC Embedded tools to create a planning application from start to finish. The course will take you step by step through the process of creating a revenue, sales quantity and price planning model. Create all the required objects in BI-IP, tips and tricks and more advanced design considerations; Query design for planning applications;...
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Political Governance and Public Policy in Russia
by Kirill A. Neverov , Leonid V. Smorgunov , Anna V. Volkova , Aleksandr S. Sherstobitov- 4.7
Approx. 13 hours to complete
It contains both general information on the institutional, procedural and value components of the political system and public policy in Russia, as well as a description of the problems, contradictions and prospects for the political development of the country. Russian Political System: Constitutional Design and Regime Constellation Urban Governance in Russia and Networks of Civic Initiatives...
SAP COPA Controlling & Profitability Analysis S/4 HANA 1909
by Karanam Sreedhar- 4.5
8 hours on-demand video
Creating Characteristics and Value Fields Valuation Strategies design for Standard Costing and for COPA Planning. CO-PA Planning - Design KEPM Frame work Define Characteristic Derivation/ COPA Derivation rule Configuration and Testing: Top-Down Distribution explanation and Testing : COGS Splitting : Configuration and Testing Price Difference (Production Variance ) Splitting : Configuration and Testing...
Supply Chains for Manufacturing: Capacity Analytics
by Stephen Graves , Sean Willems- 0.0
9 Weeks
Learn about various models, methods and software tools to help make better decisions for system design in manufacturing systems and supply chains. Learners who pass the 8 courses in the program will earn the MicroMasters Credential and qualify to apply to gain credit towards MIT’s Master of Engineering in Advanced Manufacturing & Design program....