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Payroll Management
by Lisa Newton- 4.2
4.5 hours on-demand video
Use free UK payroll software to perform essential payroll management This is a useful course if: We give you the link to access the FREE online version. The course materials includes: By the end of the course you will be able to complete various common functions using a free online UK payroll software...
HTML, WORDPRESS and CSS for Internet Marketers
by Jens Belner- 3.5
6 hours on-demand video
This course if for internet marketers and online businesses who would like to utilize HTML and WordPress in their digital marketing and grow their business. EXPERT EDITING WITH WORDPRESS 5. There’s nothing like this video series. Expert Editing With Wordpress 5. There’s nothing like this video series. Here’s What You’ll Discover Inside This Video Training:...
Objective-C Crash Course for Swift Developers
by Mark Wahlbeck- 4.2
8.5 hours on-demand video
This course is designed for iOS developers who only know Swift. This is the BEST Objective-C course out there! HOW THIS COURSE WORKS You will watch video lectures that teach you the principles. 5 hours of video content for you to complete....
Chakra Series: Exploring Your Major Chakras One by One
by Dawn Hauswirth- 3.6
39 mins on-demand video
One free personal consultation with Dawn for any questions you may need answered. During this course, I do offer a free one on one consultation via personal virtual classroom which can be in video form or chat....
Digital Information Literacy
by Cynthia A. Tysick , Bryan Sajecki , Nicole Thomas , Jocelyn Swick-Jemison- 0.0
Approx. 19 hours to complete
There are a multitude of free tools and software at our fingertips. This online course will provide tips, suggestions, and strategies for creating an interesting digital artifact in select, intuitive platforms. Video - Finding Free Images with Google Evaluating a Video Bias Definition and Video...
C++ Basic Structures: Vectors, Pointers, Strings, and Files
by Anh Le , Elise Deitrick- 4.5
Approx. 9 hours to complete
This course is designed for learners with limited coding experience, providing a solid foundation of not just C++, but core Computer Science topics that can be transferred to other languages. The modules in this course cover vectors, pointers, strings, and files. Completion of C++ Basics: Selection and Iteration before taking this course is recommended....
SwiftUI Apps on All Devices - iPhone, iPad, Mac, Watch & TV
by Nick Walter- 4.7
10 hours on-demand video
Get an idea of what the course is all about by watching the promo video and using the free previews....
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Fermented Foods Mastery
by Kale Brock- 4.4
1.5 hours on-demand video
- A FREE copy of The Art Of Probiotic Nutrition Ebook ...
How to Make Passive Income with Facebook Videos
by Money Makers Academy- 3.9
38 mins on-demand video
In this Course You will learn how you can make solid Passive Income without the need for any experience or a website! In this Course You Will Learn What is Facebook Video Service How to Sign up in Facebook Video and be a Creator How to get free videos to re upload to Facebook...
An introduction to game development in Python
by Christian Koch- 4.7
9 hours on-demand video
One of the best ways to learn coding is by making videogames; and this is what this course is about. All the tools we will encounter in this course are free to use and open to everyone....