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Java Programming with Java 8 and OCA OCP Java Exam Prep
by Talha Ocakçı- 3.7
26 hours on-demand video
Full syllabus of a classroom-based Java 8 training and exam prep with theory, exercises and lab sections. NEW: ONLINE CODE PRACTICES ARE ADDED. YOU STUMBLED UPON THE FIRST JAVA COURSE WITH UDEMY ONLINE CODE PRACTICES. Read the problem, write your code and get the feedback automatically. That's it! [ALL SOURCE CODE IN THE FIRST LECTURE. JUST IMPORT AND TEST!!!] [FIRST STEP TO PREPARATION FOR THE ORACLE CERTIFICATION EXAMS: OCJA and OCJP]...
Learn to code with Python from scratch.
by Bluelime Learning Solutions- 4.3
33.5 hours on-demand video
Python Data Structures Python Data Structures...
Design Patterns in Go
by Dmitri Nesteruk- 4.7
10 hours on-demand video
For example, the use of the Composite pattern allows structures to be iterable and lets scalar objects masquerade as if they were collections....
Organization Development - How to Diagnose Organizations
by Maria Veronika Surboeck- 3.3
7.5 hours on-demand video
Section 4 is looking at Structures and you will learn on how to analyze an organizations structure, the formal as well as the informal one....
The Ultimate Microsoft Access 2010 Training Course 15 Hours
by Simon Sez IT- 0.0
15.5 hours on-demand video
Have all the database terms, data, and reports got you down? Demystify Access forever with this effective course. In today’s workplace, data management skills are absolutely crucial, and Microsoft Access is the most widely available software for the job. This bundle includes: Learn Microsoft Access 2010 Forms are presented to make information gathering and input a breeze....
Advanced Algorithms (Graph Algorithms) in Java
by Holczer Balazs- 4.6
11 hours on-demand video
union find data structures...
Ansys Tutorial
by Armin Yousefi Kanani- 4.5
7.5 hours on-demand video
Modelling and Analyzing composite model in Ansys Software Composite materials are created by combining two or more layered materials, each with different properties. These materials have become a standard for products that are both light and strong. Composites provide enough flexibility so products with complex shapes, such as boat hulls and surfboards, can be easily manufactured....
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Cloud Computing Sales
by Stephen Turner- 0.0
3 hours on-demand video
Watch the INTRODUCTORY LECTURE (at no cost) to learn about "customer churn," compensation and incentive structures for account executives, and questions you can ask of a sales manager in the hiring process or review period....
70-480: Programming in HTML5 with JS & CSS3: Practice Tests
by Certify You- 4.3
Implement and manipulate document structures and objects (24%)Implement program flow (25%)Access and secure data (26%)Use CSS3 in applications (25%)...
A Million Subs In A Year: YouTube Marketing and YouTube SEO
by Max Wilhard- 4.3
1.5 hours on-demand video
YouTube marketing and YouTube SEO secrets of famous YouTube stars. Make living with a small channel! Quick fix course. Learn YouTube marketing, YouTube SEO and how to make money on YouTube first-hand! In this course, you will learn what AlexSuper, PewDiePie, VanossGaming, Markiplier, DanTDM, and other YouTube stars did to promote their channels....