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Powerpoint 2016 2019 - Master powerpoint presentation
by Andrew Pach- 4.6
11 hours on-demand video
Do you want to SAVE TIME working in PowerPoint and be more efficient? This course solves these problems and teaches you valuable PowerPoint 365 tricks beyond that. ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE - Best presentation practices and useful PowerPoint tricks, including presentation tips that you might not be aware of. PowerPoint 2010 and PowerPoint 2011 MAC tricks also apply....
Getting started with Test Automation using Protractor [2020]
by Kajetan Raducki- 4.5
3 hours on-demand video
We have prepared over 3 hours of video, downloadable resources, several articles and potential recruitment questions that you may hear during the job interview. We translate everything from scratch and guide the student through the installation of the required tools. - Tips & Tricks...
Building a Pac-Man Arcade Style Game In Unity
by Robert Gioia- 4.5
2.5 hours on-demand video
Use Unity and C# to Create a Classic Pac-Man Arcade Style Video Game Complete with AI, Power Ups, and Animations! By the end of this course, you will have a full game project you developed from the ground up! You will also have some more C# tips and tricks that you can add to your arsenal....
Learn How to Make Electronic Music with Cubase
by Max Porcelli- 4.6
6.5 hours on-demand video
This is the reason why I’ve decided to create this course where you will be able to understand the Software from the beginning, explained with easy words, tutorials, tips and tricks, and practical examples. Also, remember lifetime free access to the course and full 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee! Enroll today and Jumpstart Your Music Production Career with Cubase!...
Strategy for Management Consultants & Business Analysts
by Asen Gyczew- 4.4
6 hours on-demand video
Top advices from consulting practice with examples and case studies It is designed for people who want to become management consultants, business analysts or work on creating and implementing the strategy inside the business. How to implement the strategy and how others are doing it? Enjoy the course and if you have any questions or request just let me know...
Kettlebell Fitness Training – Easy Way To Maximum Fitness
by Prof. Paul Cline, Ed.D- 4.1
1 hour on-demand video
4) Understand the common kettlebell mistakes and how to avoid them & prevent injuries 5) Find out how kettlebells tone, strengthen and build muscles in unique ways 9) Learn specific kettlebell tips & tricks to dramatically boost your results and this is just a tiny part of the training – There is so much more!!!...
How To Budget Through Better Habits
by Zaid Rasid- 0.0
2.5 hours on-demand video
You find yourself in credit card or consumer debt and you need a way out. You live pay check to pay check and can't get out of the rut Why you need to start tracking your money and the benefits of doing so Additional savings tips to living a frugal lifestyle...
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LEARN SCRIVENER 2 - A Quick & Easy Guide
by David Lee Martin- 0.0
7.5 hours on-demand video
Learning some real cool tips and tricks. Give Learn Scrivener Just One Hour, And You Will Already Be Harnessing The Power Of This Unique Software To Realize Your Own Writing Dreams. And for experienced Scriveneers among us? There are tons of tips and tricks you will discover. Keys that will undoubtedly streamline your workflow, and fuel your creativity....
Time Management & Increase Productivity (+ Free EBook)
by Calvin Lee, CPA, CA, MBA- 4.3
2 hours on-demand video
Master Time Management and Productivity Techniques Successfully. Use Time Management to Reduce Stress and Achieve More. I personally use all the tips & tricks in this course and I have taught them to thousands of happy students. "The tips given in the course are very practical and simple and the instructor's teaching style is also inspiring and straightforward" - Sudip R....
How To DJ With Your Numark DJ2GO2
by Joey Santos- 5
1.5 hours on-demand video
Scratch DJs, mobile/wedding DJs, club DJs and music producers have all turned their dreams into full-time careers by following our full curriculum. You'll master the gear, the music, the skills and the features so that you too can pull tricks that will amaze your friends and family, and help you to pack dancefloors right from the very start....