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Start A Profitable Freelance Writing Business In 5 Weeks
by Arfa Saira Iqbal- 4.4
10 hours on-demand video
This course is perfect for you if you want to: ‘As an intermediate level writer, I came into the course expecting to pick up a few additional scraps of information but essentially expected little more than refresher of what I already know. The course was perfect for newcomers and those already working to an intermediate level’...
Machine learning with Scikit-learn
by Francisco Juretig- 3.6
6.5 hours on-demand video
This course will explain how to use scikit-learn to do advanced machine learning. We will see how we can use all these techniques for online data, image classification, sales data, and more. I try to keep this course as updated as possible, specially since scikit-learn is constantly being updated....
Professional Scrum Product Owner I PSPO1 Practice Tests
by Ignacio Paz- 0.0
Note: Be aware that this course does not include any videos. You can take this course first: Agile & Scrum in Depth: Guide, Simulation, and Best Practices. True Scrum: This course is totally aligned with the latest version of the Scrum Guide 2020. This course is specifically for:...
Modern PowerPoint Presentation: Be a Creative Pro
by Arun Nagarathanam- 4.5
7 hours on-demand video
Then, this is the apt course for you. This course resolves that easily, quickly and also in the best organized way possible. SEE HOW THIS COURSE IS HELPFUL FOR OUR COMMUNITY? i would strongly recommend this course to all 5 starts in advance" 4 Advanced multipoint slides - Replace long text with just 4 modern animated design elements...
C# Object Oriented Programming for Beginners in C# and .NET
by Praveenkumar Bouna- 4.5
2 hours on-demand video
This course will help you in achieving them. This course will help you become proficient in applying OOP concepts as a C# programmer. This course will make you apply the learnings by coding for simple problem statements. The skills you learn from this course will be relevant in the future and aid in learning advanced C# programming....
[2021] Tableau 2020: A-Z Hands-on Tableau For Data Science
by William McGuffey Academy- 4.1
9.5 hours on-demand video
The second stage of the course helps you in gaining the skill in handling data visualization and leveraging of the data Stage 3: Advanced This course is: “I did not know that an online course can be so engaging but I really liked the whole content as it has boost up my confidence....
CAMTASIA: Make Awesome Videos The Easy Way
by Jens Belner- 3.8
7.5 hours on-demand video
I have put an extensive course together where you will learn how to create advanced and powerful videos, the secrets of video marketing, how to become a YouTuber. It's About Time For You To Learn The In's And Outs Of Successful Online Video Marketing! In fact, its marketing potential has always been apparent to a lot of online marketing professionals....
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Lucid Dreaming - The Foundation of Dream Yoga
by Peter Torok- 4.7
3 hours on-demand video
Doorway to your inner self! Heal yourself, fly or astral project! Meditation MP3s, personal feedback - Certified Course Its the first course i have found with such a straight forward explanation. I really enjoy the course so far. With a more advanced technique, we can go into a meditative state and transition into a conscious dream from wakefulness directly....
A Complete Guide to Lean Controllers in iOS
by Mohammad Azam- 4.7
4.5 hours on-demand video
My name is Mohammad Azam, creator of many popular online courses including Mastering MapKit in iOS Using Swift, Creating Stickers and iMessages Applications in iOS 10 Using Swift 3 and Mastering Sever Side Swift Using Vapor. "His course is AWESOME very detail instructions. The amazing techniques discussed in this course can setup your path from intermediate to advanced developer....
Learn to Play Clarinet: Beginner to Pro in Under Five Hours
by MusicProfessor Online Music Lessons- 4.5
4.5 hours on-demand video
|| COURSE DESCRIPTION || Each MusicProfessor Clarinet course provides an entire year’s worth of lessons, for a fraction of the cost, and at your own convenience. || COURSE FEATURES || “Great course for beginners! I loved the clear explanations and guidelines. This course has been provided by MusicProfessor, an online music education company....