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Time Series Analysis and Forecasting using Python
by Start-Tech Academy- 4.1
13 hours on-demand video
If you are a business manager or an executive, or a student who wants to learn and apply forecasting models in real world problems of business, this course will give you a solid base by teaching you the most popular forecasting models and how to implement it. Theoretical concepts and use cases of different forecasting models...
Digital Strategy and Transformation
by Juan Antonio Enciso , Arcadio Luis Guevara- 0.0
4 Weeks
Nowadays, the fast change of “analogous” business models, to “digital” models, creates the necessity to generate strategies that help companies to outline digital transformation routes....
Financial Modeling for Business Analysts and Consultants
by Asen Gyczew- 4.3
3.5 hours on-demand video
In business models you go into details of operations and you focus on getting the links on the KPIs. The most typical situation when, as a business analyst or a consultant, you will have to prepare such a model are connected with selling or purchasing a company. What is the difference between business models and financial models?...
Forecasting Models with R
by Diego Fernandez- 3.9
5.5 hours on-demand video
Learn main forecasting models from basic to expert level through a practical course with R statistical software. Become a Forecasting Models Expert and Put Your Knowledge in Practice Learning forecasting models is indispensable for business or financial data science applications in areas such as sales and financial forecasting, inventory optimization, demand and operations planning, and cash flow management....
Classification Models
by Ben Burkholder- 0.0
Approx. 2 weeks
In this course, you’ll learn how to use classification predictive models to solve business problems such as predicting whether or not a customer will respond to a marketing campaign, the likelihood of default on a loan, or which product a customer will buy. Learn how to use classification predictive models to solve business problems involving non-numeric data....
Financial Accounting
by John Core , Egor Matveyev- 0.0
12 Weeks
Learn financial accounting, how to read financial statements, and input valuation models for better corporate finance decision-making. The course will focus on using the financial statements to gather inputs to valuation models and for corporate finance decisions. Undergraduate and graduate students looking to enter business in general or finance in particular would also benefit greatly from this valuable course....
Business Analysis: BPMN, Data Analytics For Business Analyst
by Jean-Gabriel Paquette- 3.3
6 hours on-demand video
Business Analysis For Business Analyst: Fundamentals Of Analytics, BPMN, Elicitation, SWOT, RACI Matrix & Requirements I will show you the keys and secrets to reach this high level of business analysis comprehension and master these concepts, allowing you to do business analysis easily. In Business Analysis For Business Analyst, You'll Learn: Visual Modeling & Business Models...
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Financial Modelling from Scratch using Microsoft Excel
by Piyush Arora, CFA, MBA Finance- 4.3
2 hours on-demand video
Designed and delivered by an Investment Banker who has made more than 200+ financial models, this course can teach you how to make your first financial model or brush up your knowledge if you have made financial models in the past....
Developing Innovative Ideas for New Companies: The First Step in Entrepreneurship
by Dr. James V. Green- 4.7
Approx. 8 hours to complete
With strong economies presenting rich opportunities for new venture creation, and challenging economic times presenting the necessity for many to make their own job, the need to develop the skills to develop and act on innovative business opportunities is increasingly vital. * Build innovative business models. Bonus Lecture: Business Models from the Classroom...
Get Started in Social Entrepreneurship : A Practical Guide
by Leesa Hubbard- 4.2
2 hours on-demand video
You’ll gain access to leading tools, resources and business models for starting your own social enterprise. The different types of Social Enterprise Business Models Key Steps in Getting Started: from Business Planning to Websites and Marketing your Movement Keys to Momentum: How to Build a Strong Network of Followers, Finance your Business and Measure your Impact...