Search result for Cultural and social norms Online Courses & Certifications
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Creativity Toolkit II: Creative Collaboration
by Jeffrey Loewenstein , Jack Goncalo- 4.7
Approx. 20 hours to complete
We need to foster effective collaboration rather than have those differences lead to misunderstandings and conflict. The ideas that we generate, individually or collectively, will be evaluated by others, such as bosses, funders, and customers. Module 1 Readings and Resources Module 2 Readings and Resources Module 3 Readings and Resources 1 Leveraging Social Influence...
Sustainable Tourism: Society & Environmental Aspects
by Dr. Arjaan Pellis , Jonas Skutka- 0.0
6 Weeks
Ranked top 10 best online courses by Class Central, join us to gain an understanding of the scope next to the social and environmental implications of tourism. These include tourism's historical background and a variety of social science approaches will be looked at, with a special focus on the human geography of tourism....
Animals and Institutions
by Leslie Irvine- 4.9
Approx. 5 hours to complete
We then examine the controversial transformation of animals into “livestock” and "meat. " We also explore the perspectives of people committed to rejecting the construction and use of animals as food. Sport, Entertainment, and Education Cultural and Historical Contexts Quiz Health and Welfare Identify dilemmas faced by veterinarians and animal shelter workers....
Global China: From the Mongols to the Ming
by Peter K. Bol , William C. Kirby- 0.0
15 Weeks
Explore the impact of the conquest dynasties and the world of the Ming. The founding of the Ming and the growth of the global silver trade spurred changes in social and political spheres, and the late Ming period brought new literature, philosophies, and religions, with shifting roles for women....
Teaching Popular Music in the Classroom
by Krystal Banfield , David Alexis- 4.7
Approx. 8 hours to complete
The course models how to integrate principles of authentic cultural relevance and positive youth development with contemporary music instruction, while providing tools for assessing and documenting learning and program progress. Conversations Through Sound: Improvisation, Listening, and Cultural Contexts Engage in the use of social cultural contexts in all aspects of instruction...
The Olympic Games and the Media
by Emilio Fernández Peña- 4.7
Approx. 11 hours to complete
Internet, the social Web and the commercialisation of the Olympic Games (1996-2012) Olympic Broadcasting Services and the media during the Olympics The Social Media and the Olympic Games Engagement, cross-pollination and the communication logics on Social Networking Websites The Olympic Family and the Social Media during the Olympic Games Towards a new communication and management model on social networks...
Comparative Democratic Development Part II: Structuring Democracy
by Larry Diamond- 0.0
6 Weeks
There are no formal prerequisites for this course, although an interest in democracy, democratic structures and institutions, as well as democratic development is key. The first part of this course explored the definition and elements of liberal democracy and the social, economic, and cultural conditions for sustaining. External actors and influences in democratic reform...
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Organizational Culture and Change in Healthcare
by Helen Abdali Soosan Fagan- 0.0
3 Weeks
Learn social, behavioral, and organizational science methods for driving organizational change in the healthcare industry. This course is part of the Healthcare Administration MicroMasters program which consists of 7 courses and a capstone exam. Learners will be introduced to the change management process and methods for identifying key cultural features of an organization....
Introduction to Five Stars of Pashto Contemporary Literature
by Mohammad Fida Alakozay- 0.0
5 Weeks
This informative course aims to provide information regarding Five Pashtoon Authors of Contemporary Pashto Literature and briefly describes the Contemporary Period of Pashto Literature through textual and visual material. - understand lives and works of the Five Stars of Pashto Literature - acknowledge social point of views of Five Pashto literary Stars....
American Deaf Culture
by Terrell Brittain- 4.5
Approx. 5 hours to complete
This is a six-week course providing a historical overview of the American Deaf community and its evolving culture. Deafness as a culture and not a disability is explained as participants are guided into the world of Deaf culture. Module 1: Discrimination and Audism Video and Article Hearing impaired Deaf and Dumb Video and Articles...