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How I Solve 95% of All SQL Server Outages
by Mike West- 0.0
1 hour on-demand video
"Well the credit also goes back to the mentor of this online course. "Does an excellent job of (a) explaining course intent, (b) concepts, and most importantly, (c) explains the tools, gives a detailed (and easy) description of how to install them, and how to use them, and for what purpose....
Introduction to the Modern Nanotechnology
by Ivan Vasil'evskii , Alexey Maslov- 0.0
8 Weeks
The aim of the course is a basic acquaintance with the concepts and approaches used in the field of nanomaterials design, fabrication and analysis. The course examines the physical basis of modern nanotechnology from the standpoint of semiconductor physics and quantum mechanics. The physical basis of modern nanotechnology from the standpoint of semiconductor physics and quantum mechanics...
Blockchain Business Models
by Cam Harvey- 4.7
Approx. 12 hours to complete
In this course you will learn what blockchain is and how it can create value by tokenization in cryptocurrencies and in many other practical applications. Course Introduction Quantum Signatures Cryptotransaction Mechanics...
Begin Unity Programming ✅
by Yohann Taieb- 4.2
2 hours on-demand video
This course is all about hands on training, if you're like me and you'd rather learn by doing rather than listening to a boring instructor then this course is for you. The skills you'll learn here are applicable to so many projects, i can't tell you enough how this course will be key to a better future for you....
Photography - These Companies Want to Buy Your Photos!
by Robert Scot- 4.1
2.5 hours on-demand video
>>Nearly 3,500 enrolled in this 5-STAR course - Updated 12/16<< My students credit this course with helping them sell their first photographs! This course really provides whatever it says and I always love courses from Robert. After a section on the ingenious mechanics of the camera, this course concentrates on how to sell those high-quality photos you've taken....
The Psychology Of The Ultimate Entrepreneur
by Vladimir Raykov- 4.3
3 hours on-demand video
I’m also the author of How To Build Your Successful Online Teaching Business (Online Entrepreneurship Book 1) Go take this course and if for some reason you don’t like it, you have 30 days, unconditional money-back guarantee....
Ninja Self Defense for Peaceful People.
by Chris Martins- 4.3
2 hours on-demand video
The course is structured in progressive topic-centered lessons at first, then moves into more complex situations to offer more advanced options. This course relies on bio-mechanics to ensure maximum effectiveness of the techniques, it's actually science applied to personal safety. In this course you get the same pro-level teachings I give during those seminars in a super simple, "designed-for-online-learning" format....
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Past Life Regression Therapy | Practitioner Training
by Mark Beale- 4.7
7.5 hours on-demand video
This course teaches a structured process to run a program of Past Life Regression Therapy (PLRT) sessions, to heal your client's causative issues. Course Highlights; A Preparation For Online Zoom Sessions Form checklist and guide for Online sessions. Course Structure & PLRT Process; Thanks for creating this course and sharing your very valuable experience…"...
Spanish Flamenco Guitar Technique - ALZAPÚA Level 1
by Chris Jacome- 5
2.5 hours on-demand video
**This course is a MUST HAVE for anyone serious about learning flamenco guitar. The course begins with understanding the bio-mechanics and how our physiology helps inform the actual technique. Upon course completion (and with diligent practice), students will be able to dissect and understand the majority of flamenco guitar solos with alzapúa technique up to an intermediate level....
SEO Basics – Beginner Training
by MindMekka ®- 4.3
38 mins on-demand video
Areas This Course Will Cover: We will discuss how search engines like Google and Bing index content online and what causes certain sites to rank higher than others. Learn how to master and use that language to compete in the global online market. Enrol now to start boosting your online presence and climb up those search engine rankings! ...