Search result for Power query Online Courses & Certifications
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Power BI Essentials 2021: Comprehensive Power BI Training
by Grant Gamble- 4.5
21 hours on-demand video
Microsoft Power BI Online Training: Comprehensive Course on Power BI Desktop, Power BI service & Power BI mobile The comprehensive introduction to Microsoft Power BI, fully updated for 2021 and covering many of the topics required for the exam DA-100. Master Power BI Desktop, the Power BI service & Power BI mobile....
SQL for Marketers
by Justin Mares- 4.4
1 hour on-demand video
I was able to power through it within 3 hours and have a solid base of understanding for SQL. This course aims to bridge that gap by teaching you the tools you need to query your SQL database and running your own reports....
Learn Plugin Development in WordPress By Building Projects
by Eduonix Learning Solutions- 4
11 hours on-demand video
Wordpress gives users the power to create a fully interactive website without having to focus too much on coding....
【続】Microsoft Power BI Desktop - 入門講座 ~Data Model編~
by マスカワ シゲル- 4.4
2 hours on-demand video
Power BI DesktopのData Modelって一体ナニモノ?実はスゴイ機能なのに、なじみがないためにスルーされがちなData Model。このコースでData Modelを正しく理解し、使い倒して分析の幅をひろげましょう! Power Queryや、Visualizationと違って、Power BIのData Modelって言われてもピンとこないですよね。 Power BIの3つのビューのうち、最もなじみのないビューではないでしょうか?...
Google BigQuery & PostgreSQL : Big Query for Data Analysis
by Start-Tech Academy- 4.4
10.5 hours on-demand video
Cover all SQL qureies in PostgeSQL & Big Query It broaden my knowledge more on the power use of SQL as an analytical tools. SQL is not a programming language, it’s a query language. It is also an English like language so anyone who can use English at a basic level can write SQL query easily....
SQL & Power BI: Your Data Analytics & Visualisation Journey
by Data Civilisation- 0.0
8.5 hours on-demand video
I am now able to freely use SQL to analyze data and Power BI to visualize it" - Naufil Arshad Upon enrolling, you’ll gain instant, lifetime access to all sections of the course for Microsoft SQL Server and Power BI, as well as the data files and scripts necessary for the exercises....
Microsoft SCCM Training
by Kashif Akhter- 4.6
10.5 hours on-demand video
Overview And Configuring Power Management And Remote Control through SCCM collection Overview And Advantage of Using Power Management And Its Requirement Using SCCM Configuring Step By Step SCCM Power Policy Through SCCM Console SCCM Related SQL Query Understanding for Beginners Basic Understanding Of SCCM related SQL Database Query Language Overview And Configuring Power Management through SCCM collection...
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Microsoft Excel Pro Tips: Go from Beginner to Advanced Excel
by Maven Analytics- 4.7
10.5 hours on-demand video
Search for "Maven Analytics" to browse our full course library, including Excel, Power BI, MySQL, and Tableau courses! As with every single course by Chris, I go in with pretty solid knowledge of the material (formulas, VBA, Power Query, etc) and walk out twice as powerful as I walked in....
Instagram for Business - Strategy and Tactics
by Sway Away- 4
3 hours on-demand video
- Understand the power of Influencer Marketing on Instagram...
Data Analysis using Microsoft Excel
by TEST4U Testing, Training, Evaluation Platform- 5
6.5 hours on-demand video
Get and Transform with Excel - Power Query Power Maps...