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Making Architecture
by Nenad Katic , Manuel Perez Romero , David Jeffrey Goodman- 4.8
Approx. 14 hours to complete
This fascinating content is delivered principally from the stunning design studio at the IE school of Architecture and features external videos from a few beautiful locations in the city of Segovia. What I mean when I say ‘Architecture’. Let’s play a game called finding Architects. What makes a good architectural image? What is your brand?...
Computer Programming for Everyone
by Tom Armitage- 0.0
Discover the art of computer programming and learn what code can do with the Institute of Coding and the University of Leeds. What is code? What can code do? What does coding feel like? Meet a development team...
Competitive Programmer's Core Skills
by Alexander S. Kulikov , Alexander Logunov , Kirill Simonov , Aliaksei Tolstsikau- 4.6
Approx. 32 hours to complete
We start from the very beginning by teaching you what competitions there are, what are their rules, what specifics problems have, how to read problem statements, how to organize your work, and what you should and shouldn’t do. Steps in Solving a Problem What is Readability? How to make a solution faster...
Lesson | Business English Skills: Introducing Yourself in Business Settings
by Richard Moore- 0.0
Approx. 1 hour to complete
This lesson is part of a full course, Business English Networking. Take this lesson to get a short tutorial on the learning objectives covered. Video: Keeping a Conversation Going Video: Leaving a Conversation What is Appropriate in Business Settings?...
Reason and Persuasion: Thinking Through Three Dialogues By Plato
by John Holbo, Associate Professor- 4.5
Approx. 33 hours to complete
Tricky! The strategy is to make a wide-ranging, interdisciplinary approach. Lesson 2 Part 6: What Is Holiness? Lesson 2 Part 7: What Is Holiness? 5 What Is Virtue? & Does Anyone Want What Is Bad? Lesson 5 Part 1: Money, What Is It Good For? 1 Money, What Is It Good For?...
The Roles and Responsibilities of Nonprofit Boards of Directors within the Governance Process
by Prof. Yvonne Cafik Harrison, PhD , Prof. Vic Murray, PhD- 4.4
Approx. 12 hours to complete
Week 1: Some of the questions to be explored this week are: What is the board's role in planning for the organization's future and why is it important for nonprofit organizations to do it? What is the board's role in ensuring the organization has adequate funding? What information should be in a resource development plan?...
The Challenges of Global Health
by Dr. David Boyd- 4.8
Approx. 20 hours to complete
What are the world’s major health challenges? What contributes to them? What is the Current Global Burden of Disease? What is the Current Global Burden of Disease? What is the Goal of Global Health? What is the Global Health "Unholy Trinity" of Infectious Disease What is the Most Important Factor for Improving Global Health?...
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Grow to Greatness: Smart Growth for Private Businesses, Part I
by Edward D. Hess- 4.7
Approx. 10 hours to complete
The Infrastructure of Growing a Business: Planning, Prioritization, Pace and Processes Where is the biggest fire? Four Ways to Grow a Business Four Ways to Grow a Business Creating a Growth Plan Growing a Business that has Commodity Products Creating a Growth Plan The 4 P's of growing a business: planning, prioritization, pace and process...
Healthcare Delivery Providers
by Dr. Rahul Koranne- 4.7
Approx. 25 hours to complete
Get ready to take a deep dive into the complex ocean that is U. 1 What is a Long Term Acute Care Hospital (LTACH)? 2 What is an Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility (IRF)? 1 What is a SNF? 1 What is Home Health Care? 1 What is Palliative Care? 4 What is a Medical Home?...
Noise in Digital Photography
by phil hawkins- 0.0
35 mins on-demand video
Learn what digital noise is and why it is a bad thing. Digital noise is examined, defined, and you'll learn how it is a bad thing....