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Learn how to build a Chess game in iOS 10.
by Mammoth Interactive- 4.3
7 hours on-demand video
Learn how to make a Chess game in Xcode and code it with Swift. Learn about how to set up a simple AI! This course is for you! In this course you will learn how to make a Chess Game in iOS 10. Coding is the new math and learning how to code will propel you forward for any situation....
Arduino Bootcamp : Learning Through Projects
by Lee Assam- 4.6
9.5 hours on-demand video
The course is broken up into a Simple Projects section, an Intermediate Projects section and an Advanced Projects section allowing you to progress to or start from any level based on how comfortable you are with Arduino. If you are new to Arduino, the first lessons will get you quickly up to speed on what the platform is and how to use it....
Google Remarketing (Retargeting) - Fast & Easy Setup Guide
by Joel Eckman- 4.3
1 hour on-demand video
Stop wasting time with bloated “what is retargeting” courses and discover the easy way to set up remarketing We KNOW how to stop these types of runaway placements and the dreaded Google targeting creep once and for all. Seeking to implement an efficient remarketing strategy for their business Looking to improve the performance of an existing remarketing or display campaign...
JavaScript Crash Course
by Raheem Soomro- 0.0
4.5 hours on-demand video
Welcome to my course, JavaScript Crash Course! You will be taught everything from how to declare variables to making functions and objects. Learn how to write simple JavaScript codes Learn about how to create and change variables Learn about how to create loops Learn about how to debug errors in your code...
JavaScript for Beginners - Learn with 6 main projects!
by Kalob Taulien- 4.7
8 hours on-demand video
If you have some prior JavaScript experience, this course is still for you due to how thorough it is. But the truth is: JavaScript is an interactive programming language and you need to know both sides of JavaScript. You'll learn how to accept user input, change what your page looks like, and take an action based on the users action....
SAP® - SAPUI5, Fiori® and new UX - Getting Started(2018)
by UI5 Community Network- 0.0
3.5 hours on-demand video
✔ In the Section 1 we tried to give you an experience of how to go forward for Design thinking session . ✔ A simple use-case covered to provide a more realistic approach ✔ When it is ok to have an exception in the design as per Fiori® Principle is covered ...
Lightroom CC MasterClass
by Martin Perhiniak- 4.6
7.5 hours on-demand video
Both also have unique and individual ways of helping you to organize and manage your photos, making use of these features will mean you never lose or waste time searching for an image. Learn how to work with catalogs, define and apply keywords, back up your edits and all the clever ways you can save time importing your photos....
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Full Stack Essential Training 2021: Front to Back
by Alexandru Rosu- 4.4
10 hours on-demand video
will learn how to include dependencies under our Maven based project understand the correct way to structure an application based on its components offers an introduction to Spring Data JPA and H2 In Memory Database support will learn how to migrate a simple User model class to an Entity concept that will be handled by H2 Database...
Electronic Interfaces: Bridging the Physical and Digital Worlds
by Michel M. Maharbiz , Tom Zajdel- 0.0
8 Weeks
Some mechanical components are required to complete the robot as presented in the course. Those who do not have access to an oscilloscope or a digital multimeter might consider purchasing a MyDAQ to enable measurements. The video modules use the MyDAQ and the MyProtoBoard as measurement equipment to debug circuits. Will I need to know how to program?...
How to Build Chatbots: From Beginner to Intermediate
by Nicholas "Techustler" Ivanecky- 3.6
2.5 hours on-demand video
Learn how to build bots on DialogFlow, Slack, Facebook Messenger, Twilio, and more More importantly, how to build bots which I teach in this course. You’ll learn the tools needed to build the bots, how the inner workings of bots, how to map a user conversation, and market your bot to your friends....