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Marketing for Introverts: How Quiet Ones Can Zing
by Marcia Yudkin- 4.6
1.5 hours on-demand video
Prefer keeping your personal life to yourself? In this webinar-style video course, you discover dozens of ways in which you can approach networking, publicity, getting published, speaking in public and other common marketing activities while being true to your introvert talents, personality strengths, likes and dislikes....
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for Mental Health and Wellness
by Kain Ramsay- 4.8
16 hours on-demand video
The scope of our mental wellness also impacts how well we connect with other people and make significant decisions each day. CBT is a world-respected personal growth process that originated from the main ideologies of the cognitive school of psychological thinking....
Create 19 Low Poly Models & Your First 3D RPG In Unity® C#
by Mammoth Interactive- 4.1
30 hours on-demand video
It is cross-platform, which means it is easy to use with other platforms. The art you make in Blender is easy to add to games or other projects. "I really like the approach the presenter takes – not just the technical details, but also the very human, personal development information and recommendations he provides....
The Complete Google Sheets Course: Beginner to Advanced!
by Evan Ramsey- 4.6
8 hours on-demand video
Ultimately, the point of this course is to get some awesome skills for professional or personal use. My course isn't like a lot of other online Excel or Google Sheet courses. Sign up today and see how fun, exciting, and rewarding web development can be!...
SQL - A 3-step Process to Master MySQL With Examples
by Dr. Chris Mall- 5
4.5 hours on-demand video
The majority of people that consider SQL as a qualification do so for career and personal development reasons. These skills are also applicable to any other major SQL database, such as MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, Amazon Redshift, Oracle, and much more....
Build your own Proof Of Stake Blockchain
by Lukas Hubl- 4.2
9 hours on-demand video
In this practical development guide you will learn why this emerging technology could be a real game changer across industries. I started my personal journey as developer way back when I was 15 years old and my main main goal since then is to steadily improve my skillset. P2P Network - How to find and communicate with other Nodes....
The Complete Self-Discipline Course - Control Your Own Life
by TJ Walker- 4.2
7.5 hours on-demand video
Learn Self-Discipline by Mastering all the Best Habits of Strong Motivation, Willpower and Personal Development Personal development expert TJ Walker will teach you his revolutionary Selfie Speak Programming techniques for helping you master complete self discipline in the easiest and most time efficient manner. The instructor is saying the truth about me and other things" Ferid Memmedli...
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Cancer Without Fear
by Dr Anne Curtis- 4.4
1.5 hours on-demand video
Wendi Saggese was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer in 2010 - and despite many previous years of studying and using every personal development and self-help technique going - nothing she'd learned helped her to deal with the overwhelming emotions she felt during the first 2 years after the diagnosis....
The Complete iOS Game Course Using SpriteKit And Swift 3
by Awesome Tuts- 4.1
18 hours on-demand video
***** Enroll Now And Master 2D iOS Game Development ***** All project files will be included and you are free to use them for anything that you like, personal or commercial use! can't find in any other flappy bird clone such as selecting a game development, using SpriteKit or any other game development framework....
I Am In Control - CBT, Mindfulness & Neuroplasticity
by Peter Torok- 4.5
3 hours on-demand video
In what other situation does this part react automatically? This material takes you through my personal journey through stories, psychology, neuroscience, mindfulness and meditation. Personal - I share the story about how I use mindfulness practice & meditation for self-development, joy and healing anxieties....