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REST API WebService Automation Testing-ReadyAPI-SoapuiNG PRO
by Subhash Chandra Basavaraju- 0.0
8 hours on-demand video
How to Test the Webservices using Soap UI and ReadyAPI How to Automate the Webservices Testcases in Soap UI with Groovy Differences btween Soap UI and SoapUING Pro and ReadyAPI Soap UI NG Pro and ReadyAPI Features REST API web-service manual testing using popular soap ui tool And Automation testing using next generation SOAPUI NG PRO Ready API....
The Complete Full-Stack JavaScript Course!
by Joseph Delgadillo- 4.5
24.5 hours on-demand video
Learn full-stack web development using JavaScript (ReactJS, NodeJS, LoopbackJS, Redux and Material-UI)! If you would like to master JavaScript and get started as a full-stack web developer, you are going to LOVE this course! Learn full-stack JavaScript development working on coding projects using ReactJS, NodeJS, LoopbackJS, Redux, Material-UI and socket programming....
Web Development (HTML / CSS / JavaScript / jQuery) - indepth
by Harsha Vardhan- 4.5
24 hours on-demand video
UI Technologies: HTML 4, HTML 5, CSS 2, CSS 3, JavaScript, Advanced JavaScript, jQuery...
Bootstrap Real-time Project in Just 3 hr - From Scratch
by Harsha Vardhan- 4.7
3 hours on-demand video
Bootstrap 4, Sample Live Project, UI Development, Web Development, UX Design, Prototype - based Development...
The Complete Flutter and Firebase Developer Course
by Nathan Glover- 4.6
5.5 hours on-demand video
Build Stunning Serverless Android & iOS Apps using Google’s great new mobile UI framework. Flutter is Google's brand NEW mobile UI framework build to make developing beautiful and functional interfaces for both iOS and Android natively....
Testing in Xamarin (Forms/Native)
by Benjamin Proft- 4.1
4.5 hours on-demand video
Create useful unit tests and integration tests for your Xamarin backend code (UI independent). Testing in apps is very important because if you publish an untested app, then you will probably get a negative feedback from the app users and a result of that is the decrease of sales. Nowadays the gaps between app releases become smaller....
Learn To Build Apps Using NodeJS and Angular
by Eduonix Learning Solutions- 4.2
4 hours on-demand video
UI and the backend...
The Complete Android™ Material Design Course
by Mehdi Haghgoo- 4.5
21 hours on-demand video
Make Android apps that stand out using material design In a world that every experience is moving to mobile handsets though mobile applications, design matters, it really does! And, designing beautiful apps with nice and appropriate UI/UX plays a crucial role in today's super-competitive mobile application market. Material design is a system for designing beautiful and natural-looking experiences for users....
Microsoft 70-480 Programming in HTML5 with JavaScript & CSS3
by Stone River eLearning- 0.0
8 hours on-demand video
Get a hands-on in depth experience Our Programming in HTML5 with JavaScript and CSS3 course provides developers with the knowledge and skills for utilizing HTML, JavaScript, and CSS3 to develop and style web applications and interfaces. This course provides credit towards the MCSD certification. The primary objectives of this course include:...
Inove na gestão de equipes e negócios: O crescimento da empresa
by Artur Vilas Boas , André Leme Fleury- 4.8
Approx. 11 hours to complete
Aprenda a gerir equipes na sua empresa, e também estratégias de como crescer o seu negócio com profissionais das maiores startups brasileiras, como upLexis, Revelo, Playax e Beleza na Web. Neste curso serão abordados os seguintes temas: - O que é escalar - Missão e cultura da empresa, o que são e como definir...