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The Future of Payment Technologies
by Robert Dittmar , Andrew Wu- 4.7
Approx. 7 hours to complete
The Checking System and the Importance of Financial Intermediation Payment Technology in Emerging Markets...
Evaluating Animal Breeding Programmes
by Hans Komen , Han Mulder , Piter Bijma , John Bastiaansen- 0.0
6 Weeks
Modern DNA sequencing technology now makes it possible not only to detect these mutations but also to design breeding strategies aimed at eliminating these diseases. The course is developed with financial support and input from the Koepon Foundation....
OAuth2 & OpenID Core: Best Practices For Implementers 2020
by Dexter Awoyemi- 3.7
1.5 hours on-demand video
Authentication & Security W/ OAuth 2. 0 & OIDC Core. Includes Deprecated Grants, JWTs, PKCE. Essential For FinTech Devs! TL;DR This is a complete guide to understanding access control and security with OAuth2 and OpenID Connect Core quickly and intuitively. What? I've tried to make it concise so that you can understand it quickly!...
Learn to Trade A Fund
by Thomas Franklin, Springboardyourtrading- 4.9
4.5 hours on-demand video
One of our greatest frustrations is seeing talented retail traders not generating the financial returns that their results deserve simply due to the fact that they are undercapitalised....
Introduction to Sarbanes Oxley (SOX)
by Illumeo Learning- 3.9
1 hour on-demand video
With the evolution of technology solutions, the impact of information systems changes must be continually evaluated to ensure controls are adequately addressed. This Sarbanes Oxley training course is an overview of the proper processes, controls and tests companies must use to determine adequate internal and financial controls....
AI in Practice: Applying AI
by Bram van Ginneken , Marleen Huysman , Floris Bex , Sennay Ghebreab- 0.0
5 Weeks
This course has been developed by Delft University of Technology and the Innovation Center for Artificial Intelligence Academy (ICAI)....
AI in Practice: Preparing for AI
by Marcel Worring , Frank van Harmelen , Arie van Deursen , Maarten de Rijke- 0.0
5 Weeks
This course has been developed by Delft University of Technology and the Innovation Center for Artificial Intelligence Academy (ICAI)....
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Functional Principles of Oracle ERP - EBS and Saas (Fin)
by Guha Rajan M., B.Engg, MBA, PMP- 0.0
5 hours on-demand video
However ERP is an evolving field starting with client server technology and then progressed into 3-tier architecture with advent of internet and now to cloud. More importantly, it provide short and crisp overview about Oracle ERP financial modules and associated business flows....
English for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
by Jack Sullivan , Alyssa Swanson- 4.8
Approx. 35 hours to complete
" If you want to get a Coursera Verified Certificate for free, please fill out the Financial Aid form. Making New Technology Practical Unit 5 Assessment 1: Making New Technology Practical and Profitable...
AI in Practice: Preparing for AI
by Marcel Worring , Frank van Harmelen , Arie van Deursen , Maarten de Rijke- 0.0
5 Weeks
This course has been developed by Delft University of Technology and the Innovation Center for Artificial Intelligence Academy (ICAI)....