Search result for Visual studio c# training Online Courses & Certifications
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Visual Studio App Center with Xamarin
by Asfend Yar Hamid- 3.8
30 mins on-demand video
Learn Visual Studio Mobile Center App from a professional trainer from your own desk. Visual training method,with Hands on Lab Practice and coding....
The Complete Xamarin Developer Course: iOS And Android!
by Tim Buchalka's Learn Programming Academy- 4.7
27 hours on-demand video
The Microsoft Visual Studio software package is available on Windows and Mac, and both are shown in the course. He started developing apps for Windows Phone 7 back in 2012, which, just like Windows 8 and Windows 10, use C# and XAML, and uses those two languages for building Xamarin....
Learn Unit Testing with NUnit and C#
by Engineer Spock- 4.3
7.5 hours on-demand video
This course is all about writing effective unit tests using C# programming language and NUnit as a unit testing framework. Visual Studio unit testing tutorial C# unit test framework Visual Studio unit testing framework tutorial TDD in C# unit testing C#...
IoT Networking and Fog Layer Devices
by Krzysztof Tokarz , Piotr Czekalski- 0.0
4 Weeks
In this course students will learn about specific IoT networking protocols and Fog devices programming, here Raspberry Pi, in Python and C# languages. Programming (including GPIO and interfacing sensors and actuators) in C# and Microsoft Visual Studio for Raspberry Pi under Windows 10 Core IoT OS....
Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement lessons: Intoduction
by Ingrid Weisfelt- 4.1
3 hours on-demand video
The Feldenkrais Method is an extremely gentle movement based training that teaches you how to heighten your ability to sense and feel yourself while you are moving, while improving your freedom and range of movement in all planes of action. Subsequent lessons will be provided as an audio lesson without any visual demonstration....
AWS For C#/.NET Developers
by Amr Swalha- 3.6
2.5 hours on-demand video
This course will starts with the basics, from installing the VS toolkit extension on visual studio....
Complete guide to ASP.NET Core MVC (.NET 5)
by Bhrugen Patel- 4.4
15 hours on-demand video
3-6 months knowledge of c# Visual Studio 2019 SQL Server Management Studio...
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Simulation, Algorithm Analysis, and Pointers
by Dr. Tim "Dr. T" Chamillard- 4.5
Approx. 11 hours to complete
Visual Studio and Xcode File Locations Training...
Create Charts In Xamarin Forms
by Asfend Yar Hamid- 3.5
1 hour on-demand video
Content and Overview Suitable for C# programmers, Xamarin Developers , XAML Developers and software engineers, through this course , you’ll learn all of the chart controls and establish a strong understanding of the concept behind charts and graphs. Suitable for beginner & intermediate programmers, xamarin developers, C# developers and ideal for users who learn faster when shown. Visual training method,with Hands on Lab Practice and coding....
Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement lessons: Intermediate
by Ingrid Weisfelt- 4.7
3.5 hours on-demand video
Feldenkrais is an extremely gentle movement based training that teaches you how to heighten your ability to sense and feel yourself while you are moving while improving your freedom and range of movement in all planes of action. Subsequent lessons will be provided as an audio lesson without any visual demonstration....