Search result for Advanced programming concepts Online Courses & Certifications
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Modern web development course: beginner to advanced
by Evans Boateng Owusu- 4.3
5 hours on-demand video
* Basic programming concepts via JavaScript: variables, conditions, loops, functions, classes, etc Then we move into intermediate and advanced concepts in ES6, ReactJS, NodeJS/HapiJS....
Customising your models with TensorFlow 2
by Dr Kevin Webster- 4.8
Approx. 27 hours to complete
You will put concepts that you learn about into practice straight away in practical, hands-on coding tutorials, which you will be guided through by a graduate teaching assistant. Wrap up and introduction to the programming assignment Wrap up and introduction to the programming assignment Wrap up and introduction to the programming assignment...
Java for Absolute Beginners
by Nick H- 4.7
8.5 hours on-demand video
A course on Java for complete beginners to computer programming, for those who want concepts explained in plain English. Starting at the basics and working our way to more advanced topics Concepts described in detail without straying to far from the topic at hand...
Solidity Fundamentals: Learn Ethereum Blockchain Development
by Manny H.- 4
1 hour on-demand video
Learn how to build a smart contract with Solidity, the programming language for Ethereum Solidity is a programming language for writing Smart Contracts. You will then learn all about the Solidity ecosystem, including syntax and advanced concepts such as source mappings, then apply them to build your very first contract....
Unity Programming Fundamentals
by Ben Marshalkowski- 4.5
4 hours on-demand video
A beginner's guide to programming in C# with Unity. Programming BasicsBecome familiar with the foundational concepts of programming, including working with data in variables, calling methods, evaluating conditional statements and working with collections of data. C# SpecificsDive into object-oriented programming (the basis of C#), including how things like inheritance and polymorphism make classes more versatile....
Object Oriented Programming in C++
by Anand Mahajan- 4.6
16 hours on-demand video
This course has been designed meticulously to help students master the Object Oriented Programming skills in C++. It covers basic topics like input/output streams, namespaces, classes and objects, constructors, function overloading, function overriding through to advanced topics such as Inheritance, Polymorphism, Templates, Exception handling, File handling etc,It will be a stepping stone for learning other technologies like Java, Ios, Windows phone programming etc....
Java for Beginners - Learn all the Basics of Java
by Yassin Marco- 4.1
5.5 hours on-demand video
Learn Java programming with various java projects- Understand key Java elements and be able to create basic java apps - Need to learn the basics of this programming language for work From installing the right tools and writing your basic lines of code to creating more advanced apps, this course has everything you need to start your java programming journey....
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Java Regular Expression Foundation
by Sera Nguyen- 3.8
1.5 hours on-demand video
Regular expression is one of the fundamental skills in programming tasks. Although this course is demonstrated in Java language, you will almost the same regular expression concepts if you apply them in other programming languages as well such as C#, Python, Perl, and JavaScript....
Introduction To Swift Programming
by Parham Aarabi- 3.9
Approx. 8 hours to complete
Introduction to Swift Programming is the first course in a four part specialization series that will provide you with the tools and skills necessary to develop an iOS App from scratch. Guided by best practices you will become proficient with syntax, object oriented principles, memory management, functional concepts and more in programming with Swift....
Learn JavaScript for Web Development
by Irfan Dayan- 3.9
8.5 hours on-demand video
Along the way, you will have quizzes, coding assignments to polish your JavaScript programming skills. This course will definitely improve your JavaScript skills and help you understand the basics and advanced concepts of JavaScript. It is a nice course on javascript, very helpful in learning complex concepts in a simple manner. Excellent teacher who made difficult concepts easy to learn and understand....