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Creative Violin, The New Violin Method 1: Basics, Lesson 1-2
by Xander Nichting- 4.7
1 hour on-demand video
Become a better violinist in less time The violin is the most perfect instrument for all thinkable music styles, apart from classical music it has claimed it's place in jazz, pop, rock, country, world music. . . Until now there has been no violin method that went beyond classical music. Creative Violin brings this to a change....
莊子─姿勢、意識與感情 (Zhuangzi─Posture, Awareness, and Sentiment)
by 蔡璧名- 4.8
Approx. 20 hours to complete
他這麼活過他的一生,留下一本書,《莊子》。這本書影響了陶淵明的一生,影響了李太白的一生,影響了白居易的一生,影響了蘇東坡的一生。唐玄宗下詔稱此書為《南華真經》,尊莊子為南華真人。清初名評論家金聖歎,評定這本書是「天下第一才子書」。 才子必讀,欲成才者必讀。如果你醉心於技進於道、技道合一的職人文化,追本溯源,請讀《莊子》。如果你不想成材、不想在優勝劣敗的競走中疲憊一生,也請讀《莊子》。如果想處於才與不才之間、想在人生的驚濤駭浪間存活、無傷,更錬就日益精進的乘御之力,就請打開《莊子》。 「福輕乎羽,莫之知載。禍重乎地,莫之知避。」(《莊子.人間世》) 莊子所處的戰國時代,平民百姓能擁有的福份比羽毛還要輕薄,飄忽不定不知道要怎樣才能承接、擁有;可是災難禍患卻比山河大地還要沈重,想要閃避卻不知道有什麼方法能全身而退。當時,一次戰爭裡被斬首、殺害的士卒多達數萬、數十萬人。 而莊子,就在這麼個布滿羅網、暗藏凶器的時代社會裏,擔任一個小小漆樹園的,小小吏。 必須承受、最能感受時代之傷的,莫過於金字塔底層。 是戰國中期的莊子,也是當代的你我。 蕭條異代都同樣湧動著如風浪翻滾、層出不窮的普世之傷。 與莊子為友,在李白之後、東坡之後,在詩人、哲人、職人與成千上萬因此改變姿勢、意識與用情的人們之後,本季課程將陪你逐字逐句讀完莊子親筆內七篇中的前三篇〈逍遙遊〉、〈齊物論〉、〈養生主〉,而莊周在此中斷續鋪陳、輻輳的三個主題:姿勢、意識與感情,也將在逐字逐句的講解中豁然胸次。──你會發現,原來只要把注意力收回自身,心就可以不煩、不亂、不痛。原來只要掌握正確的姿勢原則,身體竟可以如此輕靈放鬆。原來感情可以不執著、不陷溺,只要懂得深情而不滯於情。原來身心的安定,是面對混亂的時代最有力量的武器。 時局板蕩,曖昧天光,半部《論語》治天下,半部《莊子》治身心,正是時候,好好讀《莊子》。 為使聽者易於掌握《莊》學大旨,將〈逍遙遊〉、〈齊物論〉、〈養生主〉各分為三、五、五章,各章下依長度略分小節;並設計體驗古典單元,使能活用於日常。 〈逍遙遊〉〈一〉 莊子-姿勢、意識與感情 (Zhuangzi - Posture, Awareness, and Sentiment)-- 蔡璧名 其正色邪──標竿典範,誰說了算? 聚糧待風──成功人士的必備條件? 小大之辯──你懷抱著小確幸還是大夢想? 猶有所待──你的夢想,是否還待天時地利或他人的協助才能完成? 乘正御辯──有一種能力,無論順境、逆境都能逍遙駕御。 NTU MOOC 課程問題詢問與回報機制 〈逍遙遊〉北冥有魚隨堂測驗 〈逍遙遊〉〈二〉 日月爝火──陶養心身才能照亮更多的人。 越俎代庖──盡心盡力於一己專業,不是為求名聲。 姑射神人──理想的膚況、體態與精神境界休戚相關。 物莫之傷──不讓心靈為外物所傷。 喪其天下──放下對擁有的執著。 拙於用大──你怎麼用你的心? 无何有之鄉──認得无何是本鄉。 〈逍遙遊〉堯讓天下\〈逍遙遊〉大瓠之種隨堂測驗 〈齊物論〉〈一〉 形如槁木──身體如何輕靈放鬆? 咸其自取──自己的心情,自己決定。 日以心鬬──你可曾以旁觀者的眼光觀察自己的心情? 真宰真君──找出治理生命的君王。 行盡如馳──你也這樣緊張疲憊地生活嗎? 〈齊物論〉南郭子綦\〈齊物論〉莫知所萌隨堂測驗 〈齊物論〉〈二〉 自師成心──你沒有成見嗎? 異於鷇音──你今天說的話與枝頭的鳥叫聲,來日回首,意義可有不同? 得其環中──你可曾試著去傾聽、了解、體諒,原本反對的一方? 厲與西施──你可曾有昨日認定的噩運,今日卻成為美好機緣的經驗? 知通為一──你可曾在挫折中遇見成長?...
Mystical Qi Gong: Healing & Balancing of Body & Mind
by Orpheus B- 4.8
2 hours on-demand video
It is important to maintain this posture because it aligns the meridians – the channels of energy in our body, and allow the Qi to flow better and smoother....
Rid Yourself of Fear of the Camera
by Anthony English- 5
33 mins on-demand video
Use these easy tips to build confidence on camera. Your message is important. You can stop nerves getting in the way. Do you hate cameras? Do get all twitchy as soon as a camera or smartphone is pointed in your direction? Well, I feel your pain. I was like you. Recently....
Powerful, Confident Body Language for Business Women
by Kara Ronin- 4.3
1 hour on-demand video
Improve your nonverbal communication in business. Boost your confidence and self-esteem. Do you want to be more powerful and influential in business? If you struggle to get your ideas recognised, then you know how it feels to be overlooked and ignored. Why? Women are often brought up to be nurturing and kind....
Mindfulness For Busy People
by Vincent van Overveld |&samhoud media- 4
2 hours on-demand video
I will give you tips and trick on meditating, you will learn about good posture and how tp be in the present moment....
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Persian Classical Dance | Add Grace & Elegance to Your Body
by Iana Komarnytska- 4.9
6 hours on-demand video
Learning Persian Classical dance will greatly improve your body coordination, develop soft and feminine movements and add grace and elegance into your posture along with opening a whole new world of creativity, music and dance....
Mindfulness In Recovery
by Online Recovery Academy- 4.7
3 hours on-demand video
Enhance Recovery and avoid Relapse with Mindfulness Practices Learn how Mindfulness and Compassion Training can help you integrate effective, practical techniques into your Recovery Lifestyle. You will learn to enhance your own Recovery process with clear and practical video lectures, text lectures and audio guides. Welcoming you to a new paradigm in recovery from addiction and Mindful living....
Introduction To Swing Trading With Options
by Alec Le Ray- 3.9
1 hour on-demand video
How To Determine The Market Trend/ Posture...