Search result for Microsoft visual studio training Online Courses & Certifications
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[NEW] AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner 2021 - Exam Training
by Rajesh Daswani | IaaS Academy- 4.5
15 hours on-demand video
Pass the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Exam | On-Demand Training | Hands-On Labs | Quizzes | Real Practice Exams Our Training Offering to Maximize Your Exam Success! High-Quality Diagrams and Illustrations: We've spared no effort to create a highly visual training course with lots of diagrams, illustrations, animations to help you better understand the concepts....
Supervised Learning: Classification
by Mark J Grover , Miguel Maldonado- 4.9
Approx. 11 hours to complete
Optional: How to create a project in IBM Watson Studio Optional: Introduction to IBM Watson Studio Optional: Overview of IBM Watson Studio...
Supervised Machine Learning: Classification
by Mark J Grover , Miguel Maldonado- 4.9
Approx. 11 hours to complete
Optional: How to create a project in IBM Watson Studio Optional: Introduction to IBM Watson Studio Optional: Overview of IBM Watson Studio...
Beginning C++ Programming - From Beginner to Beyond
by Tim Buchalka's Learn Programming Academy- 4.6
46 hours on-demand video
Frank Mitropolous, the instructor in this course has been using C++ for over 2 decades and has taught students in both university courses and industry training courses. The instructor also uses a pen tablet to write on the screen and provide even more visual explanations....
The Complete C# and Object-Oriented Programming Course
by Ahmad Mohey- 4.2
23.5 hours on-demand video
You will be very familiar with Visual Studio and many of its features like snippets and how to use them and even create custom snippets. Install and work with Visual Studio 2019 (Windows and Mac) Work efficiently and smoothly with Visual Studio 2017....
Xamarin Forms: Build Native Cross-platform Apps with C#
by Mosh Hamedani- 4.6
7.5 hours on-demand video
Not at all! You can use use Visual Studio on Windows to build and deploy apps to Windows and Android. And this involves simply adding a new project to your Visual Studio solution, setting it as the start up project and building it....
The Beginners 2021 Cyber Security Awareness Training Course
by Reza Zaheri- 4.6
3 hours on-demand video
"This is the greatest Security Awareness training I have ever attended. You will receive a 50-page SUPPLEMENTAL TRAINING GUIDE PDF that has ALL the training material, and much more, written as notes for you to download This course has 40 brand new '1:M Cyber Security' training videos, covering over 29 cyber security subjects....
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C# Database Driven WinForm Apps (step by step projects)
by Pavol Almasi- 4.5
13.5 hours on-demand video
Project-based Learning: how to use C# Windows Forms and Microsoft Access Database to create small database driven apps For this course, I decided to use a Microsoft Access database, as that is a common database small business use around the world. Everything is on the video, there are no code snippets being magically pasted into the Visual Studio....
Master Electron Framework And Build 5 Advanced Desktop Apps
by Mubarak Awal- 4.4
8 hours on-demand video
Electron is used by top multi-billion dollar companies for desktop applications like Skype, Whatsapp desktop, Wordpress for desktop, Slack, Atom editor, Visual Studio Code and other very popular desktop applications -- and yours can be next....
Blazor WebAssembly Full Stack Bootcamp
by Patrick God- 4.4
9 hours on-demand video
The only tools you need are Visual Studio, Postman, SQLite, and a browser like Chrome or Firefox. I’m a web developer for over a decade now, I have worked for big corporations and small teams, as an employee and a contractor and I just love to see the way Microsoft is going with ....