Search result for Application security Online Courses & Certifications
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Wireshark Crash Course
by Kyle Slosek- 0.0
2 hours on-demand video
Learn hands on network analysis start to your journey towards a career in network engineering and cyber security It is used by IT and Network administrators to troubleshoot network connectivity issues and by Network Security analysts to dissect network attacks. This free and open source application is so widely used in the industry because it works....
Exploiting and Securing Vulnerabilities in Java Applications
by Joubin Jabbari- 4.6
Approx. 23 hours to complete
WebGoat is a deliberately vulnerable application with many flaws and we take aim at fixing some of these issues. Together we will discuss online resources to help us along and find meaningful ways to give back to the larger Application Security community....
The Complete Cyber Security Course for Beginners
by Ameen Bineabade- 4.4
1.5 hours on-demand video
On this course we cover end-point-protection, which is an extremely important and hot topic in cyber security right now! Become a cyber security specialist - Go from a beginner to advanced in this easy to follow expert course. Covering traditional end-point-protection technologies through to next generation and future technology; application control, execution prevention, machine learning and Artificial Intelligence....
ISO 27001 Cybersecurity manager. Guidelines.
by Cristian Lupa- 4.4
4 hours on-demand video
Application of ISO/IEC 27001 for cybersecurity. The purpose of this course is to provide cybersecurity guidelines for the application of ISO 27001 (the popular standard for information security management systems). - human resources security - from screening to employment, the contractual requirements and disciplinary process plus the termination and change of employment...
Identifying, Monitoring, and Analyzing Risk and Incident Response and Recovery
by (ISC)² Education & Training- 4.8
Approx. 23 hours to complete
You will learn processes for collecting information, providing methods of identifying security events, assigning priority levels, taking the appropriate actions, and reporting the findings to the correct individuals. Perform security assessment activities Perform Security Assessment Activities Security Assessment Activities: Participate in Security and Test Results Security Assessment Activities: Potential Problems Monitoring Results: Security Baseline...
XSS Cross Site Scripting attack- Hacking Technique
by Jovana Markovic- 0.0
1.5 hours on-demand video
You will learn how to test web application for Cross Site Scripting manually by preforming code injection from the start, as well as performing various XSS attacks through different XSS examples (changing content, session hijacking, etc) by using various XSS payloads at the same time....
The Complete Cyber Security Course : Hackers Exposed!
by Nathan House- 4.5
12 hours on-demand video
Volume 1 : Become a Cyber Security Specialist, Learn How to Stop Hackers, Prevent Hacking, Learn IT Security & INFOSEC system security and privacy functionality. security control of isolation and compartmentalization. application isolation, virtual machines, Whonix and Qubes OS. This is volume 1 of 4 of your complete guide to cyber security privacy and anonymity....
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Azure Architect Technologies: AZ-303
by Kevin Brown- 4.6
15.5 hours on-demand video
Implement Load Balancing and Network Security Implement an Application Gateway Implement Network Security Groups and Application Security Group You will learn about Azure Monitor, Azure Workbooks, Azure Alerts, Network Watcher, Azure Service Health, Azure Application Insights. Azure Infrastructure Security Monitoring Azure Application Insights Manage Security for Applications Implement an Application Infrastructure...
Complete guide to building an app with .Net Core and React
by Neil Cummings- 4.7
68.5 hours on-demand video
NET Core and React are hot topics and this course will enhance your knowledge of both, simply by building an application from start to finish. Building an application is significantly more rewarding than building yet another Todo List from the documentation! Adding a Client side login and register function to our React application...
Learn Spring Boot in 100 Steps - No 1 Java Framework
by in28Minutes Official- 4.4
13 hours on-demand video
Become an expert on Spring Boot developing a REST API and a Spring MVC Web application using Maven in 100 steps Step 15: Adding Dynamic Configuration to your application : YAML & More. Step 17: Advanced Application Configuration with Type Safe Configuration Properties Step 26: Securing our services with Basic Authentication using Spring Security...