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Create High-Fidelity Designs and Prototypes in Figma
by Google Career CertificatesTop Instructor- 4.9
Approx. 33 hours to complete
Learners who complete the seven courses in this certificate program should be equipped to apply for entry-level jobs as UX designers. Alternatively, learners who have not completed the previous courses should have a strong understanding of the design process, how to create low-fidelity designs on paper and in Figma, and how to conduct usability studies....
From Wire to PLC , A Bootcamp In Industrial Automation
by Mouhammad Hamsho- 4.7
17 hours on-demand video
This course will teach you many deigns skills , software , and electrical engineering concepts in a way that you can combine what you have learned to create a whole real project. A graduate Engineering student preparing for job in the industrial automation field and not knowing what to expect in there...
Circuits and Electronics 3: Applications
by Anant Agarwal , Gerald Sussman , Piotr Mitros , Chris Terman- 0.0
7 Weeks
Learn about cool applications, op-amps and filters in the design of microchips used in smartphones, self-driving cars, computers, and the internet. The third and final online Circuits and Electronics courses is taken by all MIT Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) majors....
Statistics for Business – I
by Shankar Venkatagiri- 0.0
5 Weeks
The first two courses cover topics in Descriptive Statistics, whereas the next two courses focus on Inferential Statistics. The courses incorporate helpful tutorials to get learners acquainted with both the mechanisms. In Part 3, we begin by exploring the benefits of random sampling, and apply the Central Limit Theorem to arrive at confidence intervals for important population parameters....
ArcGIS Desktop For Spatial Analysis: Go From Basic To Pro
by Minerva Singh- 4.3
5 hours on-demand video
I work in the field of ecology or quantitative social sciences or hydrology or civil engineering or geography If you found yourself in one of these situations, then. Over the past few months, I have published multiple courses on Udemy around this topic which will be tremendously helpful to you & most important of all AFFORDABLE! LEARN FROM AN ACTUAL EXPERT IN THIS AREA:...
Learn to Program in Java
by Kasey Champion- 0.0
4 Weeks
Get started on the path to becoming a software engineer by learning core coding skills in Java--one of the most popular programming languages. Whether you are preparing for advanced university computer science courses, an entry-level software engineering position, or the Advanced Placement Computer Science A exam, get the tools you need to succeed in this practical, self-paced Java course....
Fundamentals of Nanoelectronics, Part B: Quantum Transport
by Supriyo Datta , Rafatul Faria , Shehrin Sayed , Evan Witkoske- 0.0
4 Weeks
Explore quantum transport in nanoscale devices and spintronics in this introductory nanotechnology course. This course is the latest in a series offered by the nanoHUB-U project which is jointly funded by Purdue and the National Science Foundation with the goal of transcending disciplines through short courses accessible to students in any branch of science or engineering....
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Introducing Ionic 2
by Packt Publishing- 3.3
1.5 hours on-demand video
Build a cool, pretty, and fully-featured mobile app in no time using the power of Ionic 2 and Angular 2 He always has a special place in his heart for Python and Django. He holds a Master’s in Engineering from the German University Karlsruhe and a Master’s in Engineering from the French ENSAM (Paris)....
Design of High-Performance Optical Systems
by Robert McLeod , Amy Sullivan- 4.7
Approx. 23 hours to complete
This course can also be taken for academic credit as ECEA 5602, part of CU Boulder’s Master of Science in Electrical Engineering degree. Singlet in OS Compare Singlet in OS to Formula Achromatic Doublet in OpticStudio Compare Doublet in OS to Formula...
Introduction to Embedded Systems Software and Development Environments
by Alex Fosdick- 4.5
Approx. 9 hours to complete
Course assignments include creating a build system using the GNU Toolchain GCC, using Git version control, and developing software in Linux on a Virtual Machine. The second course in this 2 course series , Embedded Software and Hardware Architecture, will use hardware tools to program and debug microcontrollers with bare-metal firmware. Embedded Software Engineering...