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Ubiquitous Learning and Instructional Technologies
by Dr William Cope , Dr Mary Kalantzis- 4.5
Approx. 14 hours to complete
This course is one of a series of eight MOOCs created by Bill Cope and Mary Kalantzis for the Learning Design and Leadership program at the University of Illinois. Individualized Learning in the Old Schools The Not-So-New School: Individualization in Computer Adaptive Learning Social Learning in Scholar: The Learning Module The New School: Learning Analytics in Scholar...
Lesson Planning with the ELL in Mind
by Ellen Manos , Claire McLaughlin- 4.7
Approx. 17 hours to complete
* Identify content specific vocabulary, grammatical structures, and language functions necessary for a student to succeed in your * Adapt a lesson plan that accomplishes the learning outcomes outlined in the lesson objectives * Use a wide variety of graphic organizer templates and language frames to support ELLs’ access to content Bonus Video: A language immersion story...
Blended Language Learning: Design and Practice for Teachers
by Edwige SimonTop Instructor- 4.8
Approx. 21 hours to complete
This course is for language educators who wish to learn how to build and teach a blended language course. If you complete all the assignments, at the end of this course you will have fairly fleshed out a blended unit and you will be well on your way to building your own blended language course....
Natural Language Processing and Capstone Assignment
by Dursun Delen , Julie Pai- 0.0
Approx. 5 hours to complete
Welcome to Natural Language Processing and Capstone Assignment. The course concludes with a capstone assignment in which you will apply a wide range of what has been covered in this specialization. Natural Language Processing I Natural Language Processing I Natural Language Processing II Natural Language Processing II Applications of natural language processing...
Exploring English: Language and Culture
- 0.0
This English language course looks at British culture and examines English in use to help improve your English language skills. English: the global language Why is English a global language? Technology and language learning Language focus: clauses Countryside: a green and pleasant land Language focus: description Language focus: comparatives and superlatives...
English in Early Childhood: Language Learning and Development
by Sheona Gilmour , Tracey Chapelton- 0.0
Discover how very young children learn English as an additional language and how you can help them progress. Children and language aquisition All play is a form of learning Developing language through play Talk that encourages a child's emotional development Developing language through interactions Learning English in context Guiding the learning experience...
Assessment for Learning
by Dr William Cope , Dr Mary Kalantzis- 4.5
Approx. 14 hours to complete
The Learning Design and Leadership Series of MOOCs This course is one of a series of eight MOOCs created by Bill Cope and Mary Kalantzis for the Learning Design and Leadership program at the University of Illinois. New Learning: Principles and Patterns of Pedagogy Prospects for Learning Analytics: A Case Study Using Data to Analyze Learning...
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New Learning: Principles and Patterns of Pedagogy
by Dr William Cope , Dr Mary Kalantzis- 4.7
Approx. 15 hours to complete
Education is in a state of flux – transitioning from traditional architectures and practices to new ecologies of teaching and learning influenced by the tremendous social and technological changes of our times. The Learning Design and Leadership Series of MOOCs Module 4: Transformative Education - New Learning Transformative Education: New Learning Technology-Mediated Learning and Change...
Interdisciplinary Learning: Working Across Disciplines
by scott mc laughlin- 0.0
Why can interdisciplinary learning and working be challenging? What is interdisciplinary learning and working? How can language be a challenge? How can methodology be a challenge? How can you get the most from interdisciplinary learning and working?...
Preparing for Graduate Study in the U.S.: A course for international students
by Pamela Bogart- 4.3
Approx. 14 hours to complete
You’ll select a “target” graduate program at a U. By completing the course, you should enhance your ability to reach the following objectives for the purpose of communicating successfully as a new international graduate student studying in the United States. Use at least three digital resources to investigate language use Reflection: Walking in new shoes (From U-M School of Information)...