Search result for Salesforce certified advanced administrator Online Courses & Certifications
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Salesforce Lightning 2020 Certified Administrator Part 1
by Mike Wheeler- 4.6
5 hours on-demand video
Salesforce Certified Administrator Course - Part 1 - Covers Salesforce Organization Setup, User Setup, Security & Access My previous Salesforce Administrator Certification Course released in March of 2016 and is the best-selling and highest rated Salesforce course of all time, worldwide (not just on Udemy). I have been teaching Salesforce online since that time and have taught well over 130,000 students....
Salesforce Certified CPQ Specialist 2021
by IT HELP- 0.0
Practice & prepare for Salesforce CPQ Specialist Exam. Salesforce Certified CPQ Specialist Test series The Certified Salesforce CPQ Specialist credential is designed for individuals who have experience implementing the Salesforce CPQ solution. Once credentialed, Salesforce Certified CPQ Specialists will have demonstrated their ability to build bundle configurations, pricing, output documents and renewals, and amendments....
Project Based Salesforce Admin & Adv Admin Hands-On Training
by Archana Rajendran- 4.5
12.5 hours on-demand video
The objective is to make you a Successful Solo Salesforce Administrator even if you have no prior CRM experience Welcome to "Project Based Salesforce Admin and Advanced Admin Hands on Training" from Archana Rajendran. > Customizing Standard Salesforce Application > Salesforce Security Model > Salesforce Service Cloud...
Salesforce Marketing Cloud Consultant Certification
by Manish Thaduri- 0.0
3 hours on-demand video
Learn Salesforce Marketing Cloud advanced concepts. Get certified as Salesforce Marketing Cloud Consultant, learning the basic and advanced concepts of Salesforce Marketing Cloud tool not just by visualizing but by actually looking at the tool in action as this course gives you the videos of the Salesforce Marketing Cloud tool....
Salesforce Lightning 2020 Certified Administrator Part 4
by Mike Wheeler- 0.0
5 hours on-demand video
Salesforce Certified Administrator Course - Part 4 - Analytics, Workflow Automation, Desktop/Mobile Admin & AppExchange My original Salesforce Classic Administrator Certification Course released in March of 2016 and is the best-selling and highest rated Salesforce course of all time, worldwide (not just on Udemy). I have been teaching Salesforce online since that time and have taught well over 110,000 students....
Salesforce Lightning 2020 Certified Administrator Part 3
by Mike Wheeler- 4.6
4.5 hours on-demand video
Salesforce Certified Administrator Course - Part 3 - Covers Service & Support, Activity & Data Management ADX201 My original Salesforce Classic Administrator Certification Course released in March of 2016 and is the best-selling and highest rated Salesforce course of all time, worldwide (not just on Udemy)....
Salesforce Lightning 2020 Certified Administrator Part 2
by Mike Wheeler- 4.7
5.5 hours on-demand video
Salesforce Certified Administrator Course - Part 2- Covers Standard and Custom Objects, & Sales & Marketing Apps ADX201 My Salesforce Classic Administrator Certification Course released in March of 2016 and is the best-selling and highest rated Salesforce course of all time, worldwide (not just on Udemy). This course is part 2 of a new course series, recorded in Salesforce Lightning....
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AWS Certified SysOps Administrator - Associate 2020
by Ryan Kroonenburg- 4.4
16 hours on-demand video
This course explores some of the more advanced aspects of the AWS platform from an Administrator point of view and it is recommended that you do this course after completing the AWS Certified Solutions Architect course or AWS Certified Developer Course, both of which are available on Udemy and cover the basics of AWS....
Salesforce Admin Certification: Ace the '17 ADM201 Exam!
by Warren Chalklen, PhD- 0.0
5.5 hours on-demand video
Get Your Salesforce Certification Rapidly |60+ Practical Exam Questions|Free Salesforce Account Login Included ** ACCORDING TO BURNING GLASS TECHNOLOGIES, a labor technologies analysis firm: "Setting aside the near-universal Microsoft Office suite, Salesforce is now the 7th most in-demand software skill. ** INCLUDES SPECIAL FREE BONUS SALESFORCE LICENSE, PRACTICE QUIZ's, CHEAT SHEETS AND MUCH MUCH MORE ** I use Salesforce on a daily basis to drive organizational performance....
Salesforce Lightning Flow Builder - The Complete Guide
by Nick Frates- 0.0
6 hours on-demand video
11x certified Salesforce Admin & Developer takes you by the hand through 10 real world Salesforce Lightning Flows I'm an eleven time certified Salesforce Admin and Developer (including Platform Developer II) and I've taken 10 real world flows I've built for my company and turned them into learning examples for this course....