Search result for Argument by analogy topics Online Courses & Certifications
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Essential Theory and Technique for Guitar
by Troy Davidson (Studio33Guitar)- 4.5
2 hours on-demand video
There are some great guitar players who don’t necessarily know all of the theory behind what they are playing, but using the above analogy of music as a language, imagine the potential that is being missed out on by not fully understanding what you are playing. The topics you will learn in this course include;...
Web Accessibility: Learn Best Practices, Tools & Techniques
by Loop11 Loop11- 4.5
2.5 hours on-demand video
The guidelines can be tricky, clients don't always appreciate the reasons behind it, and, to be honest, in the absence of an informed argument other competing factors always win out. Topics covered in this course include: Ensuring your website is navigable by all users....
LEARNING PATH: Python: Functional Programming with Python
by Packt Publishing- 3.9
5.5 hours on-demand video
You’ll also encounter important concepts from functional programming, such as monads, currying, statelessness, side-effects, memorization, and referential transparency; these concepts may initially seem odd to Python programmers, but you’ll see how they are elegantly supported by the language. As such, he has extensive experience in teaching Python and making advanced topics seem as easy as possible....
Nanotechnology : Introduction, Essentials, and Opportunities
by Milad Zoghi- 4.5
4.5 hours on-demand video
What makes Nanotechnology so enabling that even socks company boast to implement it in their products and some others make science-fiction stories out of it like building earth-to-sky elevator by mean of Carbon nanotubes? By taking this course you’ll go through: Section 6: Some Topics and Issues in NanoTechnology...
Ultimate Electrical Machines for Electrical Engineering
by Ahmed Mahdy / Khadija Academy- 4.3
13.5 hours on-demand video
All of these topics are in a step by step lessons with many solved examples. All of these topics are in a step by step lessons with many solved examples. All of these topics are in a step by step lessons with many solved examples. All of these topics are in a step by step lessons with many solved examples....
Effective Altruism
by Peter Singer- 4.8
Approx. 12 hours to complete
Objections to the Pond Analogy Thomas Pogge's Argument About Global Poverty...
Complete PHP from Scratch for Beginners
by Srinivas Vanamala- 4.7
17.5 hours on-demand video
Not just learn PHP but learn it 10x times faster by doing hands-on with our 200+ PHP source code materials. Then do Exercise on the same topic by your own. Able to Pass Argument as Reference. Write Clean and Quality code by learning how to properly Handle Exceptions and Errors....
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Fundamentals of Rehearsing Music Ensembles
by Dr. Evan Feldman- 4.8
Approx. 22 hours to complete
Learn and practice the basic principles of running an effective music ensemble rehearsal. Techniques and strategies are applicable to a variety of ensembles, including bands, orchestras, choirs, and chamber groups. An Introduction to Rehearsing Introduction What Do We Do in Rehearsals? What Skills Do We Need? Calibrating Your Ears Serving as the Composer’s Advocate...
Science Research Foundations
by Konyavskaya Svetlana Valeryevna- 0.0
Approx. 17 hours to complete
Infographic vector created by macrovector - www. Reading materials to part 2 of topic 1 "Cargo Cult Science by Richard P. Additional materials to topic 2 "Reasoning by analogy (similarity of relations). Test on topics 1-4 Additional materials to topic 5 "An example of drawing an analogy with another scientific discipline" Test on topics 5-10...
Practical Predictive Analytics: Models and Methods
by Bill Howe- 4.1
Approx. 7 hours to complete
Optimization by Gradient Descent...