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Audacity for beginners 2020: Introduction to Audacity 101
by Owais Waseem- 4.7
1.5 hours on-demand video
This is a step by step Audacity course for beginners who are looking to fully understand the Audacity software and its basic integrated features such as the tools, effect presets and file formats available. Audacity allows recording, editing, mastering, and mixing....
AUDACITY: CURSO COMPLETO – Todos os Segredos do Audacity
by Magno Urbano- 4.2
3 hours on-demand video
Domine o Audacity para melhorar a sua voz em locuções e dublagens, corrigir e aperfeiçoar músicas e áudios e muito mais Gravação de Áudio – Como gravar áudio no Audacity, as entradas e as saídasMostramos as opções disponíveis no Audacity para selecionar as fontes de áudio e as saídas....
Audacity Software Tutorial: Learn How To Record and Mix
by Kushal Jasoria- 4.2
30 mins on-demand video
Quickly learn how to use Audacity in this short yet dense course, and get creative Learn Audacity - The Free Audio Editing and Recording Software, for Free on Udemy....
Become a superstar audio editor with Audacity
by Ram Mohan- 4.2
2.5 hours on-demand video
Learn the basics and some advanced techniques in the free tool Audacity and become a superstar audio editor Do note that the tool that I'm concentrating on is Audacity because it's free to use. R Kishan Boddapati - "Very well done! In a few hours time, to get such an in-depth look and understanding of Audacity is pretty darn awesome....
Musik und Audio erstellen mit Audacity von A bis Z (Deutsch)
by Tobias Becker- 4.1
3 hours on-demand video
die Grundlagen von Audacity zu verstehen Zu Beginn lernst du die wichtigsten Grundlagen, gefolgt von allen notwendigen Informationen zum Thema Audioschnitt und wie du Audacity herunterlädst. Anschließend gibt es die wichtigsten Audacity Kriterien im detaillierten Überblick. Am Ende dieses Kurses hast du nicht nur ein umfangreiches Verständnis von Audacity sondern du kannst das Gelernte auch sofort ohne weitere Anforderungen anwenden....
Audacity - Make Your Voice Sound Better For Free
by Filip Delac- 4
1 hour on-demand video
Update 2019 - Updated lecture Download and install Audacity to reflect the new Audacity website. With this simple Audacity tutorial, you will find an easy and free way to increase your audio AND video quality. Learn to edit and improve audio files easily in Audacity in this step by step course!...
Curso Audacity para vídeo aulas e gravações de voz
by David Bizzo Marques- 4.7
3.5 hours on-demand video
Aprenda a usar o Audacity para editar e obter o melhor áudio de sua voz nos vídeos, áudio books e podcasts Audacity é o melhor software gratuito de edição de áudios....
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Audacity: Stimme und Ton Nachbearbeiten für Videos&Kurse
by Mark Oswald- 3.9
2 hours on-demand video
Mit dem kostenlosen Audacity Stimmaufnahmen z. In diesem Kurs lernen Sie, wie Sie mit der kostenlosen Software Audacity Ihre Tonaufnahmen Nachbearbeiten. Audacity ist zwar kostenlos, steht kostenpflichtigen Softwares aber nichts nach....
Introduction to Editing Audio for Games Course
by Ryan Stunkel- 4.4
2.5 hours on-demand video
Learn the different tools and effects in the audio program Audacity to edit and manipulate sound effects for your games Then we’ll use the tools we learned from Audacity to teach about the different effects that are available in Audacity including Equalizers, Pitch Shifting, Compressors and limiters....
Mixing Audio for Animation in Audacity
by 2D Animation 101 Courses- 4.1
2.5 hours on-demand video
In this course you will learn how to use audacity to mix down the audio for your animations....