Search result for Battery systems Online Courses & Certifications
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Ecodesign for Cities and Suburbs
by Jonathan Barnett , Larry Beasley- 0.0
6 Weeks
Ecodesign means integrating planning, urban design and the conservation of natural systems to produce a sustainable built and natural environment....
Exploring Renewable Energy Schemes
by Jorge Santiago-Aviles- 4.7
Approx. 15 hours to complete
We will examine photovoltaic, or PV, system components, and the scientific laws essential to understanding how renewable energy systems work. 3: The Role of Charge Controllers and Inverters in Photovoltaic Systems Charge Controllers and Inverters in Simple Photovoltaic Systems Enhancing Battery Life (Suggested) Balance of System Equipment Required for Renewable Energy Systems...
Aerial Photography with UAV
- 0.0
Approx. 11 hours to complete
Types of Coordinate Systems Types of Coordinate Systems and Vertical Datum Battery Operation...
Solar Energy and Electrical System Design
by Gay E Canough- 4.7
Approx. 17 hours to complete
Power Line and Battery Locations Pros and Cons of Rooftop Systems Ground Mount vs Rooftop Mounted Systems (Optional) Ground Mounts and Off-Grid Systems (Optional) Land Requirements for Solar PV Systems Analyze advantages and disadvantages of various PV systems...
Battery State-of-Charge (SOC) Estimation
by Gregory Plett- 4.8
Approx. 28 hours to complete
4: What are some approaches to estimating battery cell SOC? 1: Why do we need to be clever when estimating SOC for battery packs? How to implement state-of-charge (SOC) estimators for lithium-ion battery cells...
Introduction to Thermodynamics: Transferring Energy from Here to There
by Margaret Wooldridge, Ph.D.- 4.8
Approx. 16 hours to complete
We will introduce the tools you need to analyze energy systems from solar panels, to engines, to insulated coffee mugs. Understanding how energy systems work is key to understanding how to meet all these needs around the world. 04 - Defining Open and Closed Systems 06 - Conservation of Energy for Closed Systems...
Architecting Smart IoT Devices
by Martin Timmerman , Maarten Weyn- 4.3
Approx. 34 hours to complete
This course will teach you how to develop an embedded systems device. Challenges in Embedded Systems Development Languages for Embedded Systems How long will the battery last?...
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Protecting the World: Introducing Corrosion Science and Engineering
by Prof Robert Akid , Prof Stuart Lyon , Adam Stephenson , Dr Robert Lindsay , Dr Michele Curioni , Dr Nick Stevens, BSc PhD- 4.6
Approx. 12 hours to complete
Chemistry of a Al/Cu battery Design of Cathodic Protection Systems...
Electric Vehicles and Mobility
by Émeric FORTIN , Virginie BOUTUEIL- 4.5
Approx. 20 hours to complete
More on Method - Transportation Systems More on Method - Mobility Systems Observational Data Electric Mobility: Actual Changes Brought On by Electric Vehicles in Terms of Mobility Systems (ungraded) quiz on Transportation Systems (ungraded) quiz on Mobility Systems Observational Data Battery Business Model...
Smart Device & Mobile Emerging Technologies
by Jong-Moon Chung- 4.7
Approx. 32 hours to complete
Every day you use your smartphone. Your smartphone wakes you up, it is the first thing you use in the morning, and the last thing you check (e. g. , alarm setting) before you sleep. In addition, you use it all day. g. , Wi-Fi & Bluetooth) technologies. e. e. Mobile Business Rankings & Analysis...