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Shell Scripting : Bash Scripting / AWK & SED on Linux / Unix
by Suresh Kumar Srivastava- 3.9
5 hours on-demand video
Shell Scripting Linux / Unix : Bash shell Scripting AWK and SED Bash Linux Unix commands for Linux Unix shell scripts In this shell scripting course, I have used free Fedora on Oracle Virtual Box as environment but it can be done on any Linux and Unix system with shell and small changes as applicable for that shell....
Linux for Beginners
by Jason Cannon- 4.6
6.5 hours on-demand video
An Introduction to the Linux Operating System and Command Line JOIN THE OTHER 40,000 SUCCESSFUL STUDENTS WHO HAVE ALREADY MASTERED THE LINUX OPERATING SYSTEM WITH ONE OF MY TOP RATED COURSES! "This class was a great review of the 2 Linux classes I took in school. Free Bonus - How to Install WordPress on Your Very Own Linux System...
Amazon AWS EC2 + LEMP + WooCommerce (Beginner-Advanced)
by JP COURSES- 0.0
2 hours on-demand video
The purpose of this great online course is to demonstrate an excellent practical example of how you can leverage cloud computing, and specifically with the Amazon AWS EC2 free tier solution, to setup and self-host your own fully functioning online eCommerce store, and spend less than five dollars per month to keep it going....
Online Course REVOLUTION - Create an Online Course
by Joeel & Natalie Rivera- 4.5
12 hours on-demand video
During this time, we converted our coaching programs, workshops, and speeches into online courses and completely transformed our lives! THIS IS YOUR CHANCE to create online courses so you can reach those you serve and create passive income that supports you NO MATTER WHAT. Creating profitable online courses is time consuming and takes specific skills, tools, and equipment....
Unity 5 Build a chat system for online multiplayer games
by Yohann Taieb- 4.4
1.5 hours on-demand video
Important: all software used are FREE to download and use on PC, LINUX and MAC computers (no need to pay, cheers!) This is a must-have in any online multiplayer games. The only tool we use in this course is Unity 3D, and it's completely free to use....
Linux Crash Course for Beginners - 2021
by Imran Afzal (200k+ students)- 0.0
5.5 hours on-demand video
Linux System Administration and Linux Command Line You will learn so many Linux commands in just 2 days. Linux Distributions Linux Installation Connect Linux VM via Putty Linux File Editors (vi text editor) I genuinely look forward to additional courses in the future. Anyone who is looking to get a job in Linux should definitely take this course....
Ubuntu Linux Fundamentals Linux Server Administration Basics
by Ted LeRoy- 4.4
11.5 hours on-demand video
04 - The Latest! Gain essential skills with Linux Server in this 11 hour Beginner's course. What Linux is Checking memory usage, free All that and more will have you walking away from the course at the end with the knowledge you need to be comfortable with Linux at home or at work....
3 Days Linux Administration Course
by Imran Afzal (285,000+ students)- 4.6
10.5 hours on-demand video
Learn Linux and command line skills in as little as 3 days Imran must have put in a lot of effort in structuring the course and taking the student step by step, he takes his time in explaining everything, from what Linux is, how to down load it, coding, etc. I have taken other courses from Imran....
Unity 5 Host Your Game Server Online like a PRO
by Yohann Taieb- 2.9
1 hour on-demand video
step by step video guide with complete Unity project to help you master the process of hosting online game servers Important: all software used are FREE to download and use on PC, LINUX and MAC computers (no need to pay, cheers!)...
Complete Linux Troubleshooting Course (Practical Examples)
by Imran Afzal (285,000+ students)- 4.6
17.5 hours on-demand video
The Best Linux Troubleshooting and Administration Course that prepare you to diagnose and resolve Systems issues Maintain a reliable and highly available Linux server infrastructure, and reduce costly downtime. I have taken other courses from Imran. Keep it up and please keep preparing more courses for please like us who can benefit from your way of teaching, knowledge and experience....