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Getting Started in Inkscape
by Paul Gieske- 4.6
2 hours on-demand video
Take your first steps creating vector art for free This section is great for getting started in vector art in general and Inkscape in particular. If you want to get started creating vector art without splurging on You can also bundle the courses and buy "Creating 2D Textures in Inkscape" and get an additional two sections with of examples....
Curanderismo: Traditional Healing Using Plants
by Eliseo (Cheo) TorresTop Instructor- 4.6
Approx. 15 hours to complete
As one of four courses on Curanderismo, the art of Hispanic/Latino traditional medicine, this course focuses specifically on the use of plants in traditional healing. Future Curanderismo courses include: Curanderismo: The Art of Traditional Medicine without Borders by Eliseo Torres Introduction to Curanderismo: The Art of Traditional Medicine, Interviews with Traditional Healers....
Online Pastry School - Gluten Free Bread Baking Course
by Marco Ropke- 4.3
1 hour on-demand video
Learn great tasting, easy to follow recipes and methods to make gluten free breads by Chef Marco Ropke History & Characteristics: Learn the history of many items you are going to be baking, and the characteristics that define their definition. If you suffer from Celiac disease, or just wish to eat wheat free - this course is great for you....
The American South: Its Stories, Music, and Art
by Dr. William Ferris- 4.5
Approx. 7 hours to complete
From small farms to urban neighborhoods, from the region itself to the more distant worlds of the southern diaspora, we discover the stories, music, and art of the American South. Formal and Folk Art Sense of History...
Creativity Workshop For Unlimited Flow Of New Ideas
by Elena Zelenina- 4.1
42 mins on-demand video
We live in a world of art, so using that art to fuel our creative engine is exactly what this course is all about. There are a lot of benefits of taking these courses together. Although they are great stand alone courses as well....
Arts Therapy : How To Use Arts Therapy With Other People
by Riana van Staden- 4.3
3.5 hours on-demand video
How To Use Arts Therapy With Others: Understanding Art Therapy Through Therapeutic Arts and The Creative Process Please be aware, this course will not qualify you to work as an art therapist. How To Use Arts Therapy With Others: Understanding Art Therapy Through Therapeutic Arts and The Creative Process Lecture 3: A Short History of Art as Therapy...
Sketchbook Everyday: Painting Birds in Watercolor
by Mandar Marathe- 4.4
2 hours on-demand video
This way of practicing is great for people who want to do something creative every day and also for those who want to pursue art or illustration as a career. This series of courses is for you if you want to improve your art and are willing to practice art-making for at least 15 minutes every day....
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Sketchbook Everyday: Painting Flowers in Watercolor
by Mandar Marathe- 4
1.5 hours on-demand video
This way of practicing is great for people who want to do something creative every day and also for those who want to pursue art or illustration as a career. This series of courses is for you if you want to improve your art and are willing to practice art-making for at least 15 minutes every day....
Learn The Pastry Arts - The World Of Cookies
by Marco Ropke- 4.2
3.5 hours on-demand video
New or old to the art of the culinary journey, this course is designed for speed and ease. History & Characteristics: Learn the history of many items you are going to be baking, and the characteristics that define their definition....
Bartend Like A Mad Man
by Katrina Rodzon- 4.5
1 hour on-demand video
We all drink and as such are constantly looking for that trusty go-to bar with quality drinks, good atmosphere, and great company. By the end of this course you will not only know a few great time honored drinks but have the foundation and confidence to explore further into the fine art of bartending....