Search result for History of the book - university of edinburgh Online Courses & Certifications
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Introduction to Philosophy
by Dr. Dave Ward , Professor Duncan Pritchard , Professor Michela Massimi , Dr. Suilin Lavelle , Dr. Matthew Chrisman , Dr. Allan Hazlett , Dr. Alasdair Richmond , Guy Fletcher , Elinor Mason- 4.7
Approx. 19 hours to complete
Related work by Philosophy staff at the University of Edinburgh Related work by Philosophy staff at the University of Edinburgh Related work by Philosophy staff at the University of Edinburgh Related work by Philosophy staff at the University of Edinburgh Related work by Philosophy staff at the University of Edinburgh Related work by Philosophy staff at the University of Edinburgh...
Book Club with Jeffrey Sachs
by Jeffrey D. Sachs , Martin J. Sherwin , Richard Rothstein , Rashid Khalidi- 0.0
Members of the Book Club will have access to these live conversations, as well as book excerpts, supplementary resources, and a discussion forum where they can communicate with peers from around the world. The Book Club with Jeffrey Sachs is an initiative of the SDG Academy, the flagship educational initiative of the Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN)....
Sample-based Learning Methods
by Martha White , Adam White- 4.7
Approx. 22 hours to complete
Learning from actual experience is striking because it requires no prior knowledge of the environment’s dynamics, yet can still attain optimal behavior. By the end of this course you will be able to: Rich Sutton: The Importance of TD Learning The advantages of temporal difference learning Andy Barto and Rich Sutton: More on the History of RL...
Genomics for Law
by Dr. Gene E. Robinson , Dr. Jennifer K. Robbennolt- 4.8
Approx. 12 hours to complete
Genomics for Law provides a unique framework to review the history and basics of genomics research as well as explore how genomics has, and will continue to, interact with the law. Introduction to the Science of Genomics The Book of Life The "Art" of Claims Drafting Regents of the University of California...
Journey of the Universe: The Unfolding of Life
by John Grim , Mary Evelyn Tucker- 4.7
Approx. 24 hours to complete
Journey of the Universe weaves together the discoveries of the evolutionary sciences together with humanities such as history, philosophy, art, and religion. The course draws on the Emmy-award winning film, Journey of the Universe, and the book from Yale University Press. Welcome to Journey of the Universe: The Unfolding Life Introduction - Beginning of the Universe...
Global History Lab
by Jeremy Adelman- 0.0
12 Weeks
Learn the span of world history from 1300 to the present. Course materialAlthough the lectures are designed to be self-contained, we recommend (but do not require) that you refer to the book Worlds Together, Worlds Apart: A History of the World: From 1000 CE to the Present (Fifth Edition) (vol....
American Capitalism: A History
by Edward E. Baptist , Louis Hyman- 0.0
4 Weeks
Perhaps no story is as essential to get right as the history of capitalism. Nearly all of our theories about promoting progress come from how we interpret the economic changes of the last 500 years. Think of this “MOOC club” like a book club! You will get more out of the material and be much more likely to finish....
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The Threat of Nuclear Terrorism
by William Perry- 0.0
5 Weeks
His book, Stalin and the Bomb: The Soviet Union and Atomic Energy, 1939-1956 (Yale University Press, 1994), was chosen by the New York Times Book Review as one of the eleven best books of 1994, and it won the Vucinich and Shulman prizes of the American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies....
The Threat of Nuclear Terrorism
by William Perry- 0.0
5 Weeks
His book, Stalin and the Bomb: The Soviet Union and Atomic Energy, 1939-1956 (Yale University Press, 1994), was chosen by the New York Times Book Review as one of the eleven best books of 1994, and it won the Vucinich and Shulman prizes of the American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies....
计算机辅助翻译原理与实践 Principles and Practice of Computer-Aided Translation
by Jingsong Shawn Yu 俞敬松 , Mr. Alex Han 韩林涛- 4.7
Approx. 35 hours to complete
The course is one of the PKU-DeTao MOOCs, which is a joint effort by Peking University and DeTao Masters Academy. 翻译记忆的发展历史 Development History of Translation Memory (15:25) [dh] 翻译记忆的存储和使用 the Storage and Use of Translation Memory (12:03) [su] 02-03-02 项目实战演练:CHM文件简介_02 CAT Software in Practice: Part 2 of the introduction of CHM(09:12) 机器翻译的发展历史 the Development History of Machine Translation (14:17) [dh]...