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Quantum Physics: an overview of a weird world (Basics)
by Marco Masi- 4.5
16 hours on-demand video
A primer on the conceptual foundations of Quantum Physics While in schools, colleges and universities, Quantum Physics is taught with a dry and almost exclusively technical approach which furnishes only a superficial insight on its foundations, this course is recommended also to high school, undergraduate and graduate students who would like to look further....
Atomic and Optical Physics: Atom-photon interactions
by Isaac Chuang , David E. Pritchard , Wolfgang Ketterle- 0.0
4 Weeks
Learn how use quantum electrodynamics to describe the physics of interactions between atoms and photons. In this physics course, you will be introduced to the QED Hamiltonian (Quantum ElectroDynamics), and learn how to construct diagrams for light-atom interactions. 5x: Ultracold Atoms and Ions for Many-body Physics and Quantum Information Science Quantum states and dynamics of photons...
Mastering Quantum Mechanics Part 2: Quantum Dynamics
by Barton Zwiebach , Jolyon Bloomfield- 0.0
5 Weeks
Learn about the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, quantum dynamics and two-state systems. This physics course covers Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle and the concept of compatible operators. To understand the material in this course you should have taken Mastering Quantum Mechanics Part 1: Wave Mechanics. 05 is a signature course in MIT's physics program and a keystone in the education of physics majors....
Atomic and Optical Physics: Quantum States and Dynamics of Photons
by Isaac Chuang , David E. Pritchard , Wolfgang Ketterle- 0.0
4 Weeks
Learn about the physics of photons with applications to modern atomic and optical physics. In this physics course, you will learn about the quantum description of light with applications to squeezed states of light and teleportation as well as the non-classical states of light and single photons. 5x: Ultracold Atoms and Ions for Many-body Physics and Quantum Information Science...
QC151 Quantum Physics for Quantum Computing
by Kumaresan Ramanathan- 4.3
1.5 hours on-demand video
It helps you gain an intuitive and qualitative understanding of basic quantum physics to help you understand more advanced quantum computing courses. The aim is to help you understand qualitatively how the physics of quantum mechanics works. To help you understand quantum physics qualitatively, I have provided simulators written in Java....
Atomic and Optical Physics: Ultracold Atoms and Many-body Physics
by Isaac Chuang , David E. Pritchard , Wolfgang Ketterle- 0.0
4 Weeks
Learn about ultracold atoms and Bose-Einstein Condensate and applications to solid-state physics and quantum information science. In this physics course you will learn about ultracold bosons and fermions, and you will hear from Prof. 5x: Ultracold atoms and ions for many-body physics and quantum information science quantum states and dynamics of photons...
Physical Basics of Quantum Computing
by Kirill S. Tikhonov , Tatiana Yu. Golubeva , Evgenii Vashukevich , Ivan Vybornyi- 4
Approx. 10 hours to complete
Physical laws and processes which underlay quantum computations are extensively described. In the second part of the course (Modules 3-6), we show how quantum computations, quantum logic algorithms and protocols of quantum information transfer could be implemented using the laws of quantum physics and phenomena discussed in the first part. Interest in quantum physics and quantum information theory....
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Atomic and Optical Physics: Light Forces and Laser Cooling
by Isaac Chuang , David E. Pritchard , Wolfgang Ketterle- 0.0
4 Weeks
In this physics course, you will learn about the spontaneous and stimulated light force and friction force in molasses and optical standing waves. The course will discuss the techniques of magneto-optical traps and sub-Doppler and sub-recoil cooling. 5x: Ultracold atoms and ions for many-body physics and quantum information science quantum states and dynamics of photons...
Quantum Mechanics: A First Course
by Barton Zwiebach , Alex Shvonski- 0.0
18 Weeks
In this quantum physics course you will learn the basics of quantum mechanics. This course is based on MIT 8. 04 is the first of a three-course sequence in Quantum Mechanics, a cornerstone in the education of physics majors that prepares them for advanced and specialized studies in any field related to quantum physics....
Mastering Quantum Mechanics Part 1: Wave Mechanics
by Barton Zwiebach , Jolyon Bloomfield- 0.0
4 Weeks
This physics course offers a sophisticated view of quantum mechanics and its proper mathematical foundation. This course concludes by developing the bra-ket notation of Dirac. To follow this course you will need some basic familiarity with quantum mechanics. Part 2: Quantum Dynamics 05 is a signature course in MIT's physics program and a keystone in the education of physics majors....