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e-Learning Ecologies: Innovative Approaches to Teaching and Learning for the Digital Age
by Dr William Cope , Dr Mary Kalantzis- 4.6
Approx. 19 hours to complete
If the print textbook is replaced by an e-book, do the social relations of knowledge and learning necessarily change at all or for the better? New Learning: Principles and Patterns of Pedagogy From Didactic Pedagogy to New Learning New Technologies, New Social Relationships and Learning Social Media Collaborative Intelligence, Part 5A: Social Learning Social Dimensions of Learning...
Social Confidence for Introverts
- 0.0
Enhance your social skills and see instant results The three pillars of social confidence "It's exciting to know that I can become more social, I just need to work at it! I've been socially insecure since I was a kid and almost turning 25 I'm tired of constantly not knowing how to deal with social situations....
SEL for Students: A Path to Social Emotional Well-Being
by Dan Liston , Emily Claire Price- 4.8
Approx. 14 hours to complete
Social and emotional learning, or SEL, programs have flourished in schools during the last decade. In this course the instructor (Emily Price) introduces you to the history and framings of social and emotional learning preK-12 curricula, as well as various elementary, middle, and high school SEL programs and associated research. Social Emotional Well-Being for Students...
The Secrets of Confidence and Communication
by TJ Guttormsen- 4.6
3.5 hours on-demand video
Learn to remove bad social programming, build expert social skills, and create a natural state of sparkling confidence. Welcome to “The secrets of Confidence and Communication" —the unsurpassed personal-transformation program created by Norway’s most high-profile social coach, TJ Guttormsen. · How to turn your need for approval from an obstacle to social freedom into a helpful tool for growth...
Music and Social Action
by Sebastian Ruth- 4.7
Approx. 26 hours to complete
Welcome to Music and Social Action Welcome to Music and Social Action The Maxine Greene Center for Aesthetic Education and Social Imagination 20th Century Artists and Social Commitment 21st Century Artists and Social Commitment 1 - 21st Century Artists and Social Commitment Creating Social Action (Optional) Pedagogy of the Oppressed by Paulo Freire Creating Social Action...
Foundations of Teaching for Learning: Being a Teacher
by Professor Dennis Francis , Professor John MacBeath- 4.6
Approx. 12 hours to complete
The Foundations of Teaching for Learning programme is for anyone who is teaching, or who would like to teach, in any subject and any context - be it at school, at home or in the workplace. As you carry on through the programme, you will find yourself strengthening not only your skills, but your connection with colleagues across the globe....
Teaching Impacts of Technology: Relationships
by Beth Simon- 0.0
Approx. 11 hours to complete
Pedagogy Mastery Quiz...
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Modern & Contemporary American Poetry (“ModPo”)
by Al Filreis- 4.9
Approx. 80 hours to complete
ModPo is a fast-paced introduction to modern and contemporary U. S. poetry, with an emphasis on experimental verse, from Emily Dickinson and Walt Whitman to the present. Participants (who need no prior experience with poetry) will learn how to read poems that are supposedly "difficult. " We encounter and discuss the poems one at a time....