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Easy Business Statistics For Your Workplace
by Barbara A Berry- 0.0
1 hour on-demand video
And the office workers, who carved out niches for data collection and reporting, are getting promoted while others are getting laid-off. This worker regularly provides reports for the boss and is often sent scrambling for answers when the boss needs quick information. In each episode, the characters are either mentoring, training or learning to analyze company data....
Be The Ultimate HootSuite Social Media Marketing Manager
by Zach Miller- 3.3
2 hours on-demand video
The university for HootSuite, free or pro. Perhaps the biggest reason to use Hootsuite for your company is that it enables you to manage multiple social media accounts in one place. Build your social audience across multiple networks with solutions for social publishing, scheduling, and more. Set your organization up for success with expert dashboard training and social media education....
The Complete Financial Analyst Training & Investing Course
by Chris Haroun- 4.6
22.5 hours on-demand video
You will learn a lot about finance in this training program with NO THEORY as you will be dealing with the employees and clients of our firm MHS Company in edutaining interactive case studies. Create a financial model (projecting the future) for a balance sheet. Create a financial model (projecting the future) for a cash flow statement....
The Time Management Revolution
by Rudolf Becker- 4.4
2.5 hours on-demand video
Time Management for Entrepreneurs: Cut your schedule in half & boost productivity with the 4 Pillars of Time Management You have always wondered why common Time Management tips and tricks did not work for you as an Entrepreneur? You can download it and use it for yourself. You can use the same system for yourself by copying their way....
Customer Service Success: Take Your Skills to the Next Level
by Viktoriya Maya- 4.3
3.5 hours on-demand video
This course is designed to apply to both individuals who want to upgrade their customer service skills, but also businesses that want to train their employees and take their customer service to new levels! Customer service training doesn't have to be boring! Are you tired of courses that are outdated, monotonous or that just cover the basics?...
SQL - MySQL for Data Analytics and Business Intelligence
by 365 Careers- 4.6
9.5 hours on-demand video
SQL that will get you hired – SQL for Business Analysis, Marketing, and Data Management How many employers would be happy to hire employees who can use data for the purposes of business intelligence? Well, when you can work with SQL, it means you don’t have to rely on others sending you data and executing queries for you....
Effective Delegation - How To Delegate Work & Responsibility
by Ramon Janssen- 4.3
2 hours on-demand video
How to Delegate : A Step-by-Step course to Effective Delegation - Essential Delegation skills for Success in Management This effective delegation skills training is simple, straightforward, fun and will help you to maximize productivity through Effective Delegation. • Key Guidelines for Delegating Tasks to Employees Thank you so much for your interest in this course....
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7. Positive Psychology Practitioner Certificate [Level 1]
by Braco Pobric- 4.6
7.5 hours on-demand video
Prerequisite for PP Coach [Level 2]. AND One of the Nine Prerequisites Required for Positive Psychology Master Coach *In addition to the course content students should be prepared to study and practice the material for a minimum of 40-course hours. For additional knowledge and tools on Positive Psychology and Habits please check my other programs. Internationally Accredited Training CPD Provider #777313...
The Ultimate Microsoft Access 2013 & 2016 Mastery Course
by Simon Sez IT- 0.0
40 hours on-demand video
Covers exciting features new for 2013 & 2016 your database projects and learn valuable new skills for complex data Contents and Overview for the 8-Hour Access 2016 Advanced Course If you’re ready to master Microsoft Access 2016 and sign up for the Set the bar high for other instructors on this site"...
The Beginners 2021 Cyber Security Awareness Training Course
by Reza Zaheri- 4.6
3 hours on-demand video
Are you worried about hackers social engineering you for your sensitive files, emails, or access to your computer or network? Then this is the PERFECT course for you! You will receive a 50-page SUPPLEMENTAL TRAINING GUIDE PDF that has ALL the training material, and much more, written as notes for you to download...