Search result for Infrastructure as code job Online Courses & Certifications
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Before you learn programming: what will help you succeed
by Zubin Pratap- 4.3
3 hours on-demand video
The ULTIMATE guide to avoiding failure, expensive mistakes and discouragement when you learn to code Fact: You are statistically likely to buy, learn or practice things that are irrelevant to your goal of learning to code Because learning to code is not about writing code....
Playing with OpenShift,Container based Platform from Red Hat
by Indra Programmer- 3.1
3.5 hours on-demand video
OpenShift Online was built with the same code as OpenShift Container Platform, and it is the deployment platform for OpenShift ioOpenShift DedicatedOpenShift Dedicated offers organisations the ability to run a single-tenant OpenShift environment on a public cloud managed by Red Hat while incorporating Docker and Kubernetes orchestration technologies. As of July 2017, support for Microsoft Azure is not offered....
[NEW] AWS Certified SysOps Administrator Associate 2021
by Neal Davis | AWS Certified Solutions Architect & Developer Associate- 4.8
15 hours on-demand video
With this Udemy AWS SysOps Administrator training, you'll learn how to deploy and operate elastic infrastructure with Amazon EC2, Auto Scaling and Elastic Load Balancing, use AWS Lambda for event-driven architectures, operate with AWS Systems Manager, manage EFS file systems and EBS block volumes, deploy infrastructure as code using AWS CloudFormation, networking with Amazon VPC, databases such as RDS and ElastiCache and AWS Route 53 DNS....
React and its Ecosystem - A Complete Beginner's Guide
by Vishwas Gopinath- 4.9
21.5 hours on-demand video
This course will be an ever growing course as the react ecosystem is continously evolving. If you're looking for a React develoepr job or planning on enhancing your React knowledge, this course will hit you with the utmost clarity on why React code is written the way it is....
Go: The Complete Developer's Guide (Golang)
by Stephen Grider- 4.7
9 hours on-demand video
This course is designed to get you up and running as fast as possible with Go. Go is like any other language - you have to write code to learn it! This course will give you ample opportunities to strike out on your own and start working on your own programs....
A 16 Hour C# Course With Microsoft Visual Studio 2013
by A O- 4.4
16.5 hours on-demand video
This comprehensive C# course is designed for beginner programmers, as you won't be rushing through code. To work with code in a more advanced way, you'll tackle how to check simple conditions using if/else blocks, as well as how to use loops to do things like repeat blocks of code to work more efficiently....
C# Intermediate: Classes, Interfaces and OOP
by Mosh Hamedani- 4.6
5.5 hours on-demand video
"I’ve actually landed my first job as a Junior software developer. This has really changed my life from working as a security guard and doing websites for free, now I am a professional. "Your courses have given me the confidence to get out of my dead end job and apply for a full time coding job....
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SQL Server Analysis Services - SSAS, Data Mining & Analytics
by Siddharth Mehta- 3.9
7.5 hours on-demand video
This course covers all the topics for developers, administrators as well as aspiring data scientists. SQL Server Analysis Services, Data Mining and MDX is a fast track course to learn practical SSAS ( SQL Server Analysis Services ), Data Mining and MDX code development using the latest version of SQL Server - 2016. Develop MDX and DAX code with confidence...
Learn Java Programming Crash Course
by Tim Buchalka- 4.6
12.5 hours on-demand video
As this is a crash course you can get skilled in Java, fast. You'll see why it's bad, and then as you progress through the course, you will improve it and make the code bug free. This approach, along with smaller snippers of code will help you become a programmer as well as think as a programmer....
Scaling Docker on AWS
by Nick Janetakis- 4.4
6.5 hours on-demand video
The second section of this course will be all about Dockerizing a multi-service Ruby on Rails application, as well as profiling that application with Docker and other open source tools. The only thing you'll have to do is build the Docker image, which will be as simple as running a few commands....