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Complete C# Programming: Beginner to Advanced with C# OOP
by Oak Academy- 4
17.5 hours on-demand video
Our C# course is the perfect place for you to start. Code with C# today! Either choose to build mobile apps or you can change a job and work as a web developer. Visual Studio IDE Our answer is simple: The quality of teaching. Moving through the course without distractions How to use Visual Studio efficiently...
UDP Socket Programming For Distributed Computing in C#.Net
by Naeem Akram- 4.4
3 hours on-demand video
The first sections of this course cover the basics of computer networking, and UDP socket programming in CSharp dot Net necessary for network and socket programming. We are going to use an Object Oriented approach for this course following the principles of OOP. You'll also learn how to debug network applications in Visual Studio and how to write code faster....
Master Electron Framework And Build 5 Advanced Desktop Apps
by Mubarak Awal- 4.4
8 hours on-demand video
This is the most up-to-date Electron Course created with you in mind and for you. Electron is used by top multi-billion dollar companies for desktop applications like Skype, Whatsapp desktop, Wordpress for desktop, Slack, Atom editor, Visual Studio Code and other very popular desktop applications -- and yours can be next....
Docker for Beginners: DevOps for Java & Spring Boot
by in28Minutes Official- 4.5
6.5 hours on-demand video
You will be using containerizing a variety of projects created with React (Frontend Framework), Spring Boot (REST API Framework), Spring (Dependency Management), Spring Security (Authentication and Authorization - Basic and JWT), BootStrap (Styling Pages), Maven (dependencies management), Node (npm), Visual Studio Code (TypeScript IDE), Eclipse (Java IDE) and Tomcat Embedded Web Server....
Make your first 2D & 3D games in Unity® & Blender
by Mammoth Interactive- 4.4
34 hours on-demand video
*includes FREE book! Do you want to learn to code and 3D model? Included in this course is material for beginners to get comfortable with the interfaces. You can find some material in this course in the following related courses: We teach you the fundamentals of designing, coding, and modeling a mobile game....
How To Become A SQL Server Cloud Architect on AWS
by Mike West- 3.6
1 hour on-demand video
Amazon's cloud is called AWS which stands for Amazon Web Services and their database offering is called RDS or Relational Database Service. This course is NOT for any of the current AWS certifications. Amazon RDS AUTOMATICALLY patches the database software and backs up your database, storing the backups for a user-defined retention period and enabling point-in-time recovery....
Build Android Apps with App Inventor 2 - No Coding Required
by Stone River eLearning- 4.6
17 hours on-demand video
Everybody has a great idea for an app. You'll start off with setting up App Inventor 2 and choosing the options you'll need for your future apps. It turns complicated coding language into visual drag and drop blocks, so there is no need for the user to learn code before building their apps....
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K6- Automate Performance &Load Testing of API& Microservices
by CtrlAltSkills Care- 3.8
12.5 hours on-demand video
IntelliSense - Get code auto-completion and in-context documentation. Visual Studio Code Extension - Execute VS Code commands to run a k6 test of your current file. Load Testing - Quickly build test cases to validate the performance of your APIs or micro-services. Test Scheduling - Schedule and run tests from the web app, CLI, and CI pipelines...
The Divi WordPress Theme for Beginners
by David Sharkey- 4.6
4 hours on-demand video
Although we will be creating the website for a fictional web design company, the skills you will learn can be used for your future projects. If you're looking for the most feature-packed Divi course on Udemy, you've found it! I will, however, provide the code which you can just copy and paste into Divi....
Deploying machine learning models with flask for beginners
by Dan We- 4.4
2.5 hours on-demand video
How to create an API for machine learning. Besides machine learning apis we will also use transferlearning to use an advanced neural network and use a userfriendly HTML template to give the enduser a visual appealing interface for our application. All the resources will be provided and you can download all the used tools completely for free....