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Complete Python Django Single-Page App [The FUTURE]
by Toufiq Elahy- 3.1
1.5 hours on-demand video
I HELP ALL STUDENTS VIA TeamViewer USING Skype CALL TO FIX ALL INITIAL ISSUES. Single page applications are more capable of decreasing load time of pages and the amount of data transfer from server to client. in a Python django application in order to create Single-Page Application. Need to modify Server side technology according to Javascript framework...
How Google does Machine Learning 日本語版
by Google Cloud Training- 4.5
Approx. 8 hours to complete
機械学習とはどのようなもので、どのような問題を解決できるでしょうか。Google は機械学習について、データだけでなくロジックの面からも独自の視点で考えています。機械学習モデルのパイプラインの構築について検討する際、このようなフレーミングがなぜデータ サイエンティストにとって有益であるかを説明します。 次に、候補となるユースケースを機械学習を利用できるように変換する 5 つの段階について説明し、こうした段階を省略しないことの重要性について検討します。最後に、機械学習によって増幅される可能性のあるバイアスと、それを認識する方法について確認します。 >>> この専門講座に登録すると、よくある質問に記載されているとおり、Qwiklabs の利用規約(https://qwiklabs. com/terms_of_service)に同意したことになります。<<< コースの概要 専門講座「GCP での機械学習」の概要 Google が選ばれる理由 Google Cloud が選ばれる理由 Google の最新情報 Google Cloud での ML の概要 AI ファーストとは AI ファーストとは ML の 2 つの段階 Google のサービスにおける機械学習 Google フォトの機械学習 Google 翻訳と Gmail ヒューリスティック ルールの置き換え 事前トレーニング済みモデル Sara Robinson と機械学習について学習する(単なるルールではない ML) Vision API の実用例 Video Intelligence API...
Complete Guide to Build IOT Things from Scratch to Market
by Junaid Ahmed- 4.2
5.5 hours on-demand video
Imagine a world of connected "things" (devices, vehicles, buildings) able to talk to a network, internet, to themselves and be able to take actions ? 9) Learn how to program triggers in the IOT platform like making a call, send an email, sending a text and more. 3) Generous use of technology enabled teaching products to enhance learning outcome...
Modern Artificial Intelligence Masterclass: Build 6 Projects
by Dr. Ryan Ahmed, Ph.D., MBA- 4.5
15 hours on-demand video
Harness the power of AI to solve practical, real-world problems in Finance, Tech, Art and Healthcare AI is the science that empowers computers to mimic human intelligence such as decision making, reasoning, text processing, and visual perception. ” [1] AI is the science that empowers computers to mimic human intelligence such as decision making, reasoning, text processing, and visual perception....
Richard Stibbard's "Ultimate Web Development Course"
by Richard Stibbard- 4.8
11.5 hours on-demand video
"Paul Wolfson, Principal Investigator, Dallas Legal Technology "Solid Full Stack Development course - I have been through numerous other books and courses trying to get up to speed on CSS, JQuery, Ajax, and PHP, and so far this is the most effective. I think there are two keys to it's success....
HTML5 and CSS3 Training
by Uplatz Training- 4
11 hours on-demand video
To create polished and well-functioning websites, you will need CSS and JavaScript. In simple words, CSS is the technology that allows us to create beautiful, maintainable and flexible designs. including its title and links to its scripts and style sheets. Styling Text How to correctly markup text so that it is sized properly for various screen sizes and densities...
Taming Big Data with Apache Spark and Python - Hands On!
by Sundog Education by Frank Kane- 4.5
7 hours on-demand video
Scale up to larger data sets using Amazon's Elastic MapReduce service You'll get warmed up with some simple examples of using Spark to analyze movie ratings data and text in a book. Once you've got the basics under your belt, we'll move to some more complex and interesting tasks....
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How to Become a Successful Corporate Writer
by Grant Butler- 4.4
1.5 hours on-demand video
In this course, Grant Butler will give you the tools and insights you need to win that work and build a thriving writing practice for yourself or a whole team. “Much as Augustus did to Rome, you found our text a city of bricks, and left it as a city of marble....
#1 Complete NodeJs Express Single-Page App [The FUTURE]
by Toufiq Elahy- 4.8
3 hours on-demand video
I HELP ALL STUDENTS VIA TeamViewer USING Skype CALL TO FIX ALL INITIAL ISSUES. in a NodeJs Express application in order to create Single-Page Application. Need to specify routing for each request Need to modify Server side technology according to Javascript framework Only possible to debug on run time This course is so important to Developer who loves: ...
Data Warehouse Concepts, Design, and Data Integration
by Michael Mannino- 4.4
Approx. 22 hours to complete
If you are currently a business or information technology professional and want to become a data warehouse designer or administrator, this course will give you the knowledge and skills to do that. * Perform operations on pivot tables to satisfy typical business analysis requests using prominent open source software Making connections to a local Oracle database...