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Developing Cloud Native Applications
by Upkar Lidder- 4.2
Approx. 14 hours to complete
Source Code Management (Git Repo) and Issue Tracker Using REST APIs with Watson AI Services Final Project...
计算机辅助翻译原理与实践 Principles and Practice of Computer-Aided Translation
by Jingsong Shawn Yu 俞敬松 , Mr. Alex Han 韩林涛- 4.7
Approx. 35 hours to complete
翻译项目创建过程详解 How to Create a Translation Project (07:58) [hc] 项目经理为译员创建项目文件包详解 How to Create Project Package (06:29) [hp] 翻译管理、本地化服务管理和项目管理 Translation Services Management, Localizatiton Services Management and Project Management (07:37) [ts] 项目管理的流程 Project Management Process (20:54) [pm] 翻译项目中的文件管理和相关软件 File Management and Related Software in Translation Project (09:58) [fm] 专题:项目创建分发文件与管理 Special Topic: Project File Distribution and Management (08:46) [pf]...
Maths for Video Games
by Yohann Taieb- 3.2
1.5 hours on-demand video
We are actually applying all the concepts in Unity game engine (free to use), using the project of a 3D shooter that is published in the iTunes app store. There is a course just for that: “Unity Game Boost: Coin Management System“....
Build Virtual Reality Games for Android and iPhone
by Yohann Taieb- 3.7
3 hours on-demand video
Take the “Captain Rocket” course where you get to see how a Unity project gets reused and turned into another game and gets published to iTunes app store. There is a course just for that: “Unity Game Boost: Coin Management System“....