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Complete Enterprise GIS (Build Web Mapping App from Scratch)
by Hani Draidi- 4.4
4 hours on-demand video
Learn How to Build a complete Web Mapping Application using QGIS, PostgreSQL/PostGIS, Geoserver, and Openlayrs Following to that you will publish the data as web map services, and consume these map services in an application that you will develop from scratch. Publishing Spatial Data as Web Map Services using Geoserver Styling Map Services using SLD...
Securing and Integrating Components of your Application
by Google Cloud Training- 4.6
Approx. 15 hours to complete
In this course, application developers learn how to design and develop cloud-native applications that seamlessly integrate managed services from Google Cloud. Through a combination of presentations, demos, and hands-on labs, participants learn how to apply best practices for application development and use the appropriate Google Cloud storage services for object storage, relational data, caching, and analytics....
Building an end-to-end Single Page Web Application
1.5 hours on-demand video
Building an end-to-end Single Page Web Application This course develops a single-page reporting application for a Automobile Retail Distribution company. I will complete the front-end of the application using JS & JQueryLesson 4: 5 mins I will develop the data-model of the application in MySQL using sinple SQL statementsLesson 5: 17 mins...
IBM Cloud Essentials
by Horea Porutiu , Steve Martinelli- 0.0
Approx. 11 hours to complete
You will learn about the many offerings and services on IBM Cloud that make it the most open and secure public cloud for developers and enterprises. Network Services Hands-on Lab: (Optional) Deploy an Application to Kubernetes Hands-on Lab: Deploy an Application to Cloud Foundry Services on IBM Cloud...
A to Z of Azure Network services - Covers AZ 300, 103 & more
by Varma Rudra- 4.5
12 hours on-demand video
The most comprehensive course on Azure networking services with lots of lab demonstrations Configure NSG rules using Application security groups and service tags. High availability services - Create and configure availability sets, Zone services and Zonal services. Configure network security groups using service tags and application security groups Configure availability sets and deploy zone based and zonal based services...
Web Services Testing using SoapUI
by QAEversity .- 2.9
5 hours on-demand video
Become an expert in web services testing using the popular tool SoapUI Web services are basically application components that communicate over open protocols. Web services testing is becoming a major part of quality assurance. QA teams require to keep web services in mind while planning for testing web applications....
Amazon Web Services - Web Hosting & Cloud Computing With AWS
by Infinite Skills- 0.0
5 hours on-demand video
Learn How To Set Up And Use Amazon Web Services ( AWS ) For Hosting Web SItes And Cloud Computing With AWS This Amazon Web Services (AWS) training course walks you through utilizing the wide range of Cloud Computing services that Amazon provides....
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Web Application Development: Basic Concepts
by Greg Heileman , Manel MartÃnez-Ramón- 4.4
Approx. 19 hours to complete
This is the first course in a Coursera Specialization track involving Web Application Architectures. We will start by learning the major components of web application architectures, along with the fundamental design patterns and philosophies that are used to organize them. Video 2: Application Frameworks Video 3: Web Application Frameworks Video #1 - Application Environments...
Microsoft 70-416 Implementing Desktop Application Environ...
by Stone River eLearning- 3.4
13 hours on-demand video
Learn Implementing Desktop Application Environments The Implementing Desktop Application Environments course provides IT professionals with the opportunity to validate their skills and knowledge necessary to design, implement, and support a Windows Server 2012 desktop infrastructure in an enterprise scaled, extremely virtualized setting....
AWS Certified DevOps Engineer
by SkillTech Academy India- 0.0
4 hours on-demand video
The training includes the following:- Introduction to the course , AWS Overview , AWS Storage(S3,Glacier) and Content Delivery Network(Cloudfront) , Elastic Compute Cloud(EC2) , Route 53(DNS Service of AWS) , Database on AWS, Virtual Private Cloud(VPC), Application Services(SQS,SWF,SNS) , Real world scenario – Creating a high available website and Exam tips....