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Data Science and Machine Learning using Python - A Bootcamp
by Dr. Junaid Qazi, PhD- 4.4
25 hours on-demand video
Decision Trees Support Vector Machine Recommender Systems Professionals are needed in the field of Data Science who are capable of handling and presenting the insights of the data to facilitate decision making. Python to analyze data, create state of the art visualization and use of machine learning algorithms to facilitate decision making. Random Forest and Decision Trees...
機器學習技法 (Machine Learning Techniques)
by 林軒田- 0.0
Approx. 19 hours to complete
第一講:Linear Support Vector Machine Support Vector Machine 第二講:Dual Support Vector Machine 第三講:Kernel Support Vector Machine 第四講:Soft-Margin Support Vector Machine Support Vector Regression Primal Support Vector Regression Dual Decision Tree Hypothesis Decision Tree Algorithm Decision Tree Heuristics in C&RT Decision Tree in Action 第十一講:Gradient Boosted Decision Tree Adaptive Boosted Decision Tree...
Health Systems Development: Introduction to Health Systems
by Dr Sondus Hassounah- 4.8
Approx. 27 hours to complete
This specialization is intended for people interested in health systems and how they function. Participants will learn about the global health systems landscape and the challenges and opportunities to achieve better health outcomes. Introduction to Health Systems Historical Evolution of Thinking about Health Systems High Quality Health Systems Health Systems Governance...
Health Systems Development: Health systems, Policy and Research
by Dr Sondus Hassounah- 4.9
Approx. 19 hours to complete
This specialization is intended for people interested in health systems and how they function. Participants will learn about the global health systems landscape and the challenges and opportunities to achieve better health outcomes. What is health systems policy and research? What is Health Policy and Systems Research? Evidence Informed Decision Making in Health: Case Studies from Around the World...
Health Systems Development: A Focus on Health Service Delivery and Human Resources for Health
by Dr Sondus Hassounah- 4.6
Approx. 20 hours to complete
This specialization is intended for people interested in health systems and how they function. Participants will learn about the global health systems landscape and the challenges and opportunities to achieve better health outcomes. Catalogue of Resources to Support Health Services Delivery Transformations Critique strategies to mitigate global human-resources-for-health challenges to support evidence informed decision making for health system reform....
Antibiotic Stewardship
by Stan Deresinski, MD , Elizabeth Robilotti , Marisa Holubar , Lina Meng, PharmD, BCPS, BCCCP , Emily Mui- 4.5
Approx. 6 hours to complete
Antimicrobial Stewardship: Improving Clinical Outcomes by Optimization of Antibiotic Practices Clinical Application of Pharmacokinetics & Pharmacodynamics Incorporating Clinical Design Support Systems into Antibiotic Stewardship...
Lazy Trading Part 3: Set up your automated Trading Journal
by Vladimir Zhbanko- 4.2
1.5 hours on-demand video
Part of our Decision Support System This series of courses is designed to to combine fascinating experience of Algorithmic Trading and at the same time to learn Computer and Data Science! Particular focus is made on building foundation of Decision Support System that can help to automate a lot of boring processes related to Trading. Learn and practice to use Decision Support System...
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Principles of Modeling, Simulations, and Control for Electric Energy Systems
by Marija Ilic , Rupamathi Jaddivada , Pallavi Bharadwaj- 0.0
12 Weeks
Apply a dynamic systems-level approach and engage emerging research on efficient, sustainable, and physically and economically feasible electric power systems of the future. You will also learn about assumptions underlying today’s hierarchical control and the innovations needed to support end-to-end flexible efficient electricity services by conventional and new resources. fundamental concepts for power systems planning, operations, and management...
Introductory Topics in IS
by Allen Au- 3.5
3.5 hours on-demand video
To learn about basic concepts and topics of Information Systems quickly Explain the importance of Information Systems in doing business Describe how information systems integrate and support enterprisewide business processes, as well as different business functions Explain the role and advantages of Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Supply Chain Management (SCM), and Decision Support Systems(DSS)...
Interactive Dashboards with Amazon QuickSight
by Packt Publishing- 2.9
2.5 hours on-demand video
Director at PPD Enterprise data group and is responsible for empowering data and analytics-driven insights for clinical research and life science use cases. In his previous role, he was Director of Professional Services and Support at Zaloni; an award-winning provider of enterprise Data Lake management solutions that enables global clients to innovate and leverage big data for business impact....