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Student Loan Debt : How to Pay Off Student Loans Fast
by Brian Cliette- 3.5
1 hour on-demand video
Learn the Secrets to Free Yourself from Your Students Loans 7) You will learn about easy and effective ways to make a little extra money online so that you can help lessen the financial burden of your loans. All future additional lectures, bonuses, etc in this course are always free...
8 Positive Psychology Coach Certificate: Level 2 [8 of 9]
by Braco Pobric- 4.3
10 hours on-demand video
The Most Comprehensive Authentic Happiness Accredited Online Life Coach Certification providing 8 Major Positive Psychology Coaching Modules that include coaching tools and forms ready to be used for client's Happiness, Strengths, Optimism, Mindfulness, Goals, Relationships, Gratitude, Resilience and Purpose, and Habit The [ONLY] Internationally Accredited 20 Professional Development / Continuing Education Hours: Provider #777313...
6 Mindfulness Positive Psychology Coach Certificate [6 of 9]
by Braco Pobric- 4.7
3 hours on-demand video
This course is accredited by the internationally recognized CPD Accreditation Group (Provider No: 777313) and upon completion of this course, you will receive an official Accredited Certificate from Life Success Academy. If you answer YES, to any of the following statements, this Accredited Mindfulness Life Coach Certification course is for you:...
2. Positive Psychology Habits Practitioner Certificate [2/9]
by Braco Pobric- 4.6
7 hours on-demand video
This course is accredited by the internationally recognized CPD Accreditation Group (Provider No: 777313), and upon completion of this course, you will receive an official Accredited Certificate from Life Success Academy. JOIN OUR > 44,000 HAPPY STUDENTS from 174 COUNTRIES who have already taken our Udemy courses and gave Mr. Fully Accredited CPD / CE Program by the CPD Accreditation Group....
Quantum Physics: an overview of a weird world (Basics)
by Marco Masi- 4.5
16 hours on-demand video
Note: Take a look at the free lectures! Scroll down to the curriculum and click on 'Basics I'. Even though these lectures are not a replacement for college courses they could complement it....
Herbalism :: Identify & Harvest Medicinal Plants Certificate
by Elizabeth Heck- 4.8
2.5 hours on-demand video
It is free Nearly every online course (unless it is a large university) that claims to be accredited, actually is not. Therefore none of her courses claim to be accredited....
Deep Tissue Massage Certificate Course (5 CEU's)
by Mark Perren-Jones- 4.7
6 hours on-demand video
This online massage course will give you the skills set to give your clients an amazing deep tissue massage experience. All of Mark's Course are accredited with the CTAA (Complementary Therapists Accredited Association). Free CTAA Directory Listing...
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Digital Marketing Strategy Course 2021. Start from scratch!
by Anton Voroniuk- 4.5
2 hours on-demand video
This digital marketing course is about how to build a digital marketing strategy and increase online sales and profit. Digital marketing is an innovative way to attract a large audience to your online project. This makes completing digital marketing courses a savvy investment in your future. So why should you choose us over other online courses and digital marketing training?...
Isla Verde Spa Relaxation Massage Certificate Course
by Mark Perren-Jones- 4.7
5.5 hours on-demand video
"This is one of the best massage courses i have ever taken!" Whether you would just like to learn massage online because you would like to treat your family, friends or partner or you are a massage therapist-You have come to the right place! All of Mark's Course are accredited with the CTAA (Complementary Therapists Accredited Association)....
Positive Psychology: Work Life-Balance | Live Well-Work Well
by Braco Pobric- 3.9
3 hours on-demand video
Become Certified in Science of Happiness with this [ONLY] Internationally Accredited Online Program This course is accredited by the internationally recognized CPD Accreditation Group (Provider No: 777313) and upon completion of this course, you will receive an official Accredited Certificate from Life Success Academy. Full, free lifetime access All future extra lectures and upgrades are always included for free...