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AUDIO - SOUND - TON für YouTube - Podcast - Hörbuch
by Sascha Drömer- 4.3
1.5 hours on-demand video
Darüber hinaus zeige ich dir im Detail wie du dein Ton in der kostenlosen Software Audacity bearbeiten kannst....
Improve Your Voiceovers in MINUTES!
by Luke Yoshida- 4.2
1 hour on-demand video
Audacity is a powerful program....
Audacity For Podcasting - Bachelor Level
by Carey Green- 4.1
1.5 hours on-demand video
Learn the basics of the open-source audio editing program, Audacity - from square 1. Seriously, Audacity is used by many professional audio editors and is extremely powerful in what it can do....
Curso de Audacity (edición, mezcla y grabación)
by Carlos Javier Roldán- 4.1
44 mins on-demand video
Curso de grabación, edición y mezcla de voces y audio utilizando el software libre Audacity. Este curso no intenta ser un manual de Audacity, ¿qué quiero decir con esto? Es por esto que le mostraré las principales funciones y luego realizaremos actividades prácticas de edición, grabación y utilización de diferentes efectos....
How to Start a Podcast: The A-Z Guide to Podcasting!
by Chris Richardson and Ihraz Syed- 5
2.5 hours on-demand video
How to edit audio with both Adobe Audition and Audacity...
Amazon Video Direct, Skillshare And Udemy (Unofficial)
by The Elite Team- 4.7
4.5 hours on-demand video
Course 4 - Audio Editing With Audacity Audacity is a free and open-source digital audio editor and recording application software for professionals and beginners. In 2011, Audacity was the most downloaded software, getting over 75 million downloads on SourceForge alone. Audacity won the SourceForge 2007 and 2009 Community Choice Award for Best Project for Multimedia....
Audacity for Podcasting - Master's Level
by Carey Green- 3.9
1 hour on-demand video
The intermediate course covering more advanced features and effects in the open-source audio editing program, Audacity. This course will ramp up your audio editing skills using the open-source (free) audio editing program, Audacity. You'll learn some tricks and tips for editing to make it a smoother, more professional process....
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Design de Sons para Video Games: Aprenda audacity e LMMS
by Renato Ikeuchi- 4.9
2.5 hours on-demand video
Assim, garanto que além de aprender a usar o Audacity ou LMMS, você também entenderá como tudo funciona nesse cenário de desenvolvimento de sons para jogos....
Audiovisual, do roteiro à edição
by ricardo graça- 4.4
2.5 hours on-demand video
Conceitos: composição, iluminação, cenas e planos, storyboard e edição Você vai aprender como produzir vídeos de qualidade, iniciando pela ideia, passando pelo roteiro, storyboard e edição. Você verá conceitos de composição, iluminação, cenas e planos, movimentos de câmera, storyboard, gravação e tratamento de áudio, como escolher e utilizar equipamentos e edição de vídeo....
Audacity: Producing & Recording with Powerful Free Software
by Jason Allen- 4.6
2 hours on-demand video
Audacity allows for recording, editing, mastering, and mixing, and is a versatile tool for any aspiring or professional producer looking for an inexpensive way to produce high-quality tracks....